A. Creation. There is created a Historic Preservation Commission for the Village.
B. Composition. The Commission shall consist of seven unpaid members who shall be residents of the Village and appointed by the Village President with the approval of the Village Council.
C. Qualifications. Members of the Commission shall be appointed on the basis of expertise, experience or interest in historic preservation, architecture, architectural history, urban planning, building construction, real estate, finance, engineering or neighborhood organization.
D. Appointment and Terms of Office. Initially, the Chairperson shall be appointed for a term of five years, the Vice-Chairperson shall be appointed for a term of four years, with the remaining five members being appointed for staggered terms of five, four, three, two and one year, respectively. Thereafter, such members or their successors shall be appointed for a term of five years. All members shall serve until successors are appointed or until removed by the Village President.
E. Rules and Procedures. The Commission may develop and adopt rules and procedures necessary to carry out its functions under the provisions of this chapter.
F. Powers and Duties. The Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
1. To conduct an ongoing survey of the Village using the criteria identified in Section 15.64.030 of this chapter to identify buildings, structures and properties by address or location that are of historic, cultural or architectural significance, and potential landmarks;
2. Upon receipt of an application for landmark designation from a property owner, to hold public hearings and make findings and recommendations to the Village Council on the application, in accordance with the procedures established in Section 15.64.040 of this chapter;
3. To hold public meetings and review applications for alteration affecting designated landmarks and comment upon such alteration;
4. To compile information concerning potential and designated landmarks;
5. To prepare, keep current, and publish maps and/or registers of potential and designated landmarks;
6. To develop and maintain technical information pertaining to the physical and financial aspects of preservation, renovation, rehabilitation and reuse, and on procedures for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places and to make such information available to the owners of potential and designated landmarks;
7. To establish an appropriate system of certificates, markers or plaques for designated landmarks;
8. To inform and education the residents of the Village concerning the historic, cultural or architectural heritage of the Village;
9. To seek grants and donations to achieve the purposes of this chapter and, upon authorization by the Village Council, to seek the certifications or approvals necessary to qualify the Village, the Commission or the owners of designated landmarks, for financial or other assistance; and
10. Upon authorization by the Village Council, undertake any other action or activity necessary or appropriate to the implementation of the powers and duties, or the implementation of the purposes of this chapter. (Prior code § 20.02)