Section 15.32.160   Inspections.
   A.   Inspections Required.
      1.   All permit work and the premises on which the permit work is being performed shall be inspected by the Director or the appropriate building officer from time to time during the course of work until a final certificate of occupancy is issued, in order to determine that the permit work is being performed and has been completed in conformity with the approved construction documents and this code. The Director, in his or her discretion, may require that the permit work, or any part of such permit work, be inspected at one or more specific points in the course of the work before the work can proceed further.
      2.   All construction activity, as well as the site of such work, shall also be subject to such inspections, even if no permit has been issued by the Village for such construction activity.
   B.   Responsibility of Owner. The owner shall have the continuing responsibility for scheduling all inspections as required by the Director for all permits issued, from the time the permit work begins until such time as the Director and all appropriate building officers have determined that all of the permit work has been completed in conformity with the approved construction documents and this code. All such inspections shall be scheduled at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no owner shall be entitled to request or schedule an inspection for any work or activity unless a valid permit for such work or activity is then in effect.
   C.   Rough Inspections. Prior to insulating and walls or floors, rough inspections of plumbing, electrical and mechanical systems improvements must be conducted and the inspected work approved.
   D.   Concealed Work. Any building officer, with approval of the Director, may require any work concealed prior to inspection and approval to be uncovered to the extent the Director deems it necessary to accommodate complete examination and approval of the work.
   E.   Correction of Work. Any building officer may require the removal or replacement of any work or equipment which has not been performed, constructed or installed in compliance with this code.
   F.   Additional Authority of Electrical Inspector. In addition to the foregoing inspections authority, the electrical inspector shall be authorized: (1) to order the removal or replacement of any installed electrical equipment, temporary or otherwise if, in the opinion of the electrical inspector and the Director, the electrical work performed or electrical equipment installed poses any threat of fire or any threat to the safety of the occupants of a structure or to any members of the public; (2) to order the removal or replacement of any exposed or encountered electrical installations or equipment which does not comply with the provisions of this code; and (3) in cases of emergency, to disconnect the electrical service to any electrical equipment if, in the opinion of the Director or Director of Water and Electric and the electric inspector, such installations or equipment pose any threat of fire or any threat to the safety of the occupants of a structure or to any members of the public.
   G.   Inspection Records. Records of inspection shall be made and kept on file in such manner as the Village Manager may direct.
(Prior code § 23.24)
(Ord. MC-13-2004 § 6, 2004)
(MC-3-2005, Amended, 06/21/2005; MC-13-2004, Amended, 12/07/2004)