Section 15.16.110   Maintenance of buildings
   A.   Broken windows, broken plastering, holes in floors, ceilings or combustible hollow partitions or sheathing and furring in any building shall be repaired without delay using an appropriate material of equal fire resistance.
   B.   Stock and other stored materials shall be kept at least eighteen (18) inches below all ceilings and shall be piled so as not to interfere with the operation of fire doors and so as to maintain adequate aisles.
   C.   In buildings equipped with automatic sprinklers, stock and other stored material shall be kept at least twelve (12) inches below the sprinkler heads.
   D.   All stock and other stored material shall be kept in a neat, orderly and compact manner.
   E.   When stock is dispensed directly from a shipping container and combustible material is used as protective packing, such packing material shall be removed from the container and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 8.16 of this code or such container shall be kept closed at all times except with removing stock from such container.
(Prior code § 26.23)
(MC-3-2005, Renumbered, 06/21/2005)