Section 10.24.010   Manner of parking.
   A.   Parallel Parking. Every vehicle stopped or parked upon a roadway where there is an adjacent curb shall be so stopped or parked with the right-hand wheels of such vehicle parallel with and within twelve (12) inches of the right-hand curb, except for angle parking.
   B.   Diagonal Parking. Upon those streets which have been marked or signed for angle parking, vehicles shall be parked at the angle of the curb indicated by such marks or signs, with the nearest corner of the vehicle within twelve (12) inches of the curb.
   C.   Marked Parking Spaces. Upon those streets which have marked spaces for parking, vehicles shall be parked within the space so marked. No more than one vehicle shall be parked within any such space. No person shall park a vehicle in such a manner that the vehicle extends beyond the limits of the marked parking space into another space marked for parking or into any space marked for access to a marked parking space.
(Ord. MC-187-97 § 2, 1997: prior code § 41.17)