A. Standards for direct alarm connections. No person shall connect, or cause to be connected, any alarm system to the Village's alarm monitoring system without first having complied with all applicable statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations governing such systems.
B. Fire alarm connections. The provisions of this subsection B shall apply to all fire alarm systems in all buildings other than single family or two-family residences.
1. New fire alarm systems. Any fire alarm system subject to subsection B that is installed on or after March 1, 2011, shall transmit signals directly to the Village's wireless fire alarm monitoring system via a Village-owned radio transmitter.
2. Conversion of existing direct connect fire alarms. Any fire alarm system subject to subsection B that is connected to the Village of Winnetka's alarm monitoring board as of February 15, 2011, shall be converted, by January 20, 2012, to an alarm that transmits its emergency signal via a Village-owned radio transmitter directly to the Village's wireless fire alarm monitoring system.
3. Conversion of non-direct connect fire alarms. Any fire alarm system subject to subsection B that was installed pursuant to a contract signed prior to February 15, 2011, and that transmits its emergency signal to a remote monitoring station rather than to the Village's wireless fire alarm monitoring system, shall be allowed to remain in place until the end of the current term of such monitoring contract. Upon the expiration of said contract term, the alarm shall be converted to an alarm that transmits its emergency signal via a Village-owned radio transmitter directly to the Village's wireless fire alarm monitoring system.
(Ord. MC-2-2011, 2/15/2011;Ord. MC-228-99 § 7 (part), 1999: prior code §§ 4.08, 24.03)