Section 5.20.020   Definitions.
   For purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings given in this section:
   "Film production" means the process of recording live action on film, magnetic tape or any other medium, for later commercial sale or distribution as a movie, television show, music video, advertising commercial, training film or educational program.
   “Film production activities” means any and all activities related to film production, including but not limited to set-up, site restoration, using film production equipment, and gatherings of persons involved in the film production.
   “Film production activity charges” means the charges established by the Village on a case-by-case basis to compensate the Village both for the direct use of Village resources and for the effects on Village resources and Village operations arising from film production activities pursuant to a film production permit.
   "Film production equipment" means any object used in film production, including but not limited to lighting equipment, sound equipment, cameras, dressing rooms, trailers, props, furnishings and vehicles.
   "Film production permit" means a permit issued in accordance with the procedures and provisions of this chapter.
   “Village resources” means and includes any and all of the following: (i) elected and appointed Village officials; (ii) Village employees and personnel; (iii) operating and administrative departments of the Village; (iv) vehicles, equipment, personal property and real estate owned, leased or operated by or on behalf of the Village; (v) streets, sidewalks, parkways, parking lots and public rights-of-way located within the Village; and (vi) services provided by, on behalf of or under the auspices of the Village, regardless of the nature of the services, and regardless of whether or not such services are provided or made available to the citizens and businesses located in the Village.