Section 5.09.090   Termination date.
   A.   Every license issued under the provisions of this chapter in any "A," "B," "D," "E," "P" or "W" classification, shall terminate at the end of the fiscal year for which the license was issued. (MC-4-2014, Amended, 04/01/2014; MC-3-2013, Amended, 8/20/2013; MC-2-2012, Amended, 04/17/2012, adds wine station rider; MC-10-2003, Amended, 06/03/03, Adds Class P)
   B.   Every Class C and Class X license issued under the provisions of this chapter shall terminate on the date specified in the license.
   C.   [Repealed.]
(Prior code § 35.09) (MC-3-2017, Amended, 03/21/2017; MC-4-2014, Amended, 04/01/2014; MC-3-2013, Amended, 8/20/2013; MC-4-2001, Amended, 06/05/2001, Subsection C added) (MC-2-2012, Amended, 04/17/2012; MC-10-2003, Amended, 06/03/2003; MC-6-2003, Amended, 05/20/2003; MC-9-2002, Added, 09/17/2002)