Section 2.48.070   Requisitions for supplies, services and materials.
   Upon the receipt of a requisition made by the proper officer of any Village department in conformity with the purchasing policy for the purchase of any supplies, services or materials for use in that department, the Purchasing Agent shall issue a purchaser order, which shall be numbered and approved in accordance with the purchasing policy.
(MC-2-2014, Amended, 3/4/2014)
Section 2.48.080   Approval of Village bills.
   All bills rendered against the Village will be certified as correct by the Finance Director and approved for payment by the Village Manager before being submitted to the Treasurer and the Council.
(MC-2-2014, Amended, 3/4/2014; MC-228-99 § 1 (part), 1999: prior code § 3.05)
Section 2.48.090   Local Tax Administrator.
   The Finance Director shall be ex-officio Local Tax Administrator for the Village, and shall be responsible for administering and collecting all locally imposed and administered taxes, as provided in the Local Taxpayers' Rights and Responsibilities Ordinance, Chapter 4.44 of this code.
(MC-2-2014, Amended, 3/4/2014; MC-7-2008 § 2, Amended, 11/6/2008; MC-9-2000, Amended, 01/02/2001, Paragraph I added, Local Tax Administrator)