Section 2.44.020   Functions and Authority.
   The Community Development Department shall be responsible for the administration and enforcement of all ordinances, rules and regulations of the Village relating to the construction, erection, alteration, maintenance, repair, removal and inspection of any building, wall, structure or portions of such building, wall or structure, and all accessories to such building, wall or structure. The functions and authority of the Department of Community Development shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
   A.   The administration and enforcement of the provisions of Chapter 15.64 (Landmark Preservation), Title 16 (Subdivisions), Title 17 (Zoning), Title 15 (Buildings and Construction), Chapter 15.60 (Signs), and Chapter 15.56 (Private Swimming Pools and Trampolines) of the Village code, and of Chapter 9.16 (Nuisances) of the Village code, insofar as it relates to the subject matter of the foregoing chapters. For purposes of this Section 2.44.010, the foregoing chapters of the Village code shall be referred to collectively as the building, zoning and development ordinances;
   B.   The review of applications for permits required by the building, zoning and development ordinances of the Village, and the issuance of such permits;
   C.   The inspection of all work relating to the construction, erection, alteration, maintenance, repair, removal and inspection of any building, wall, structure or portions of such building, wall or structure, and all accessories to such building, wall or structure;
   D.   The issuance of citations and stop work orders for any work relating to the construction, erection, alteration, maintenance, repair, removal and inspection of any building, wall, structure or portion of such building, wall or structure, and all accessories to such building, wall or structure, when it is determined that such work violates any ordinance, rule, regulation, permit or license of the Village;
   E.   The performance of the duties and functions of building officers, as defined and provided in Title 15 of this code;
   F.   The review of all applications submitted to the Village for amendments to the official map or to the text of the zoning ordinance, for zoning variations, special use permits and any other zoning relief, for land subdivisions and consolidations, and for demolition permits, certificates of appropriateness, sign variations and local landmark designations;
   G.   Advising and assisting Design Review Board, Historic Preservation Commission, Plan Commission, Sign Appeal Board and Zoning Board of Appeals in the performance of their functions and serving as liaison between the Village administration and such committees, boards and commissions;
   H.   Exercising the powers of and performing the duties conferred on planning departments by Article 11, Division 12 of the Illinois Municipal Code (65 ILCS 5/11-12-1, et seq.);
   I.   Filing with the appropriate governmental offices all reports required by Village ordinance or by state or federal law, rule or regulation pertaining to community development, landmark preservation and construction and demolition activity within the Village, including but not limited to filing reports of permit variations and certificates of occupancy; and
   J.   The performance of all such other duties relating to zoning, planning, land use, building construction and community development in the Village as may be assigned by the Village Manager.
(MC-06-2024, Amended, 7/16/2024; MC-6-2005, Amended, 09/20/2005)