Section 2.04.050   Council rules.
   A.   Rules of Procedure; Order of Business.
      1.   The rules of procedure for the conduct of business at all meetings of the Council shall be as determined from time to time by Council resolution.
      2.   The rules of procedure shall establish the order in which the business of the Council shall be considered. The order of business shall include, but not be limited to, the approval of minutes, the approval of bills and payrolls, consideration of ordinances and resolutions, and reports of Village officials.
      3.   The order of business for any meeting of the Council may provide for the Council to take a single vote by “ayes” and “nays” on any two or more orders, ordinances, resolutions, proclamations or motions that have been placed together in a single group on the agenda for voting purposes, under the designation of “Consent Agenda.” The ayes and nays on the consent agenda matters shall be entered in the minutes as the ayes and nays for each order, ordinance resolution, proclamation or motion included in the roll call on the consent agenda. The question of the passage or failure of each order, ordinance, resolution, proclamation or motion in the consent agenda shall be determined individually by the number of affirmative votes cast.
      4.   The rules of procedure shall establish the process for determining the content of Council agendas, including the content of the consent agendas.
      5.   The rules of procedure shall include procedures governing public comment at meeting of Council.
   B.   Quorum. A majority of the members of the Council shall constitute a quorum.
   C.   Majority Rule.
      1.   Except when a greater vote is required by state statute, the Charter or this code, the affirmative vote of a majority of all members of the Council, including the Village President, shall be necessary for the passage of any ordinance for whatever purpose, and for the passage of any resolution or motion to create any liability against the Village or for the expenditure of any funds under the control of the Council. Other measures may be passed by the affirmative vote of a majority of the quorum voting thereon.
      2.   The President shall vote in case of a tie vote of the Trustees present and may vote in such other instances as may be authorized by statute.
   D.   Voting. Every Trustee who is present when a question is stated from the chair shall vote on such question unless excused by the Council.
   E.   Reconsideration of Vote. No vote of the Council may be reconsidered or action of the Council rescinded at a special meeting unless at least as many Trustees are present as were present when such vote or action was taken.
   F.   Resolutions. Any resolution or amendment of such resolution requiring a roll call vote shall be reduced to writing before being presented for consideration. Any other resolution or amendment of such resolution shall, upon the request of any member of the Council, be reduced to writing before being presented for consideration.
   G.   Rules or Order.
      1.   The Village President shall decide all questions of order.
      2.   To the extent that any question of order is not governed by state statute, the Charter or this Code, the Village President shall be guided in deciding questions of order by parliamentary law, as prescribed by Robert’s Rules of Order, as revised. (Ord. MC-6-09 § 2, 2009; Ord. MC-183-97 § 19, 1997: prior code § 2.06)