   112.01   Charitable gambling
   (A)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to regulate and control the conduct of gambling within the city.
   (B)   Provisions of state law adopted. The provisions of M.S. Chapter 349, as amended from time to time, relating to the definition of terms, licensing and restrictions of lawful gambling are adopted and made a part of this section as if set out in full.
   (C)   Specific expenditures. A licensed organization shall make specific expenditures of 10% from its net profits derived from lawful gambling. The 10% expenditure shall be levied on gross receipts generated within the city less prizes actually paid out by the organization and amounts expended for allowable expenses attributable to such gross receipts. The specific expenditure shall be paid quarterly towards the lawful purpose established from time to time by resolution of the Council. At the time that such licensed organization submits to the city its report, the organization shall also submit the following information upon the form as may be required by the City Administrator-Clerk-Treasurer:
      (1)   Total amount of receipts generated within the city from lawful gambling activities during the reporting period;
      (2)   The total amount of prizes actually paid out attributable to such gross receipts by the organization during the reporting period;
      (3)   The total amount of money expended for allowable expenses attributable to such gross receipts;
      (4)   The amount of net profits derived from lawful gambling during the reporting period attributable to such gross profits;
      (5)   The identification of the lawful purpose to which such 10% expenditure was made;
      (6)   The signature of the person filing the report;
      (7)   The period covered by the report;
      (8)   A receipt from the person or entity representing the lawful purpose to which such 10% expenditure was made.
   (D)   Responsible parties. The gambling manager or managers of a licensed gambling organization shall be exclusively responsible for the timely filing of all returns, reports or other documents required by this section. Violation of this section shall be punished as a misdemeanor. Furthermore, the City Council may pursue such civil remedies as it deems appropriate, including efforts to revoke such organization’s license.
(Ord. 173, passed 6-6-88)