All lots within the Wingate Cemetery and within any extension of said cemetery at any time hereafter made, whether owned by the town or by any other person or persons, shall be subject to and regulated and controlled by the provisions of this chapter. In all deeds of conveyance by the town to any person or persons for any lot, the following provisions shall be included therein as a covenant running with the land: “This conveyance is made subject to an ordinance adopting rules and regulations for the control of Wingate Cemetery and providing penalties in relation thereto duly of record up to the minute of the proceedings of the Board of Commissioners, and the grantee herein, his or her heirs and assigns, agree that upon the breach of any of its provisions, the title to said property shall revert to the town.”
(Prior Code, § 92.01)
It shall be the duty of the Board of Commissioners to appoint some suitable person as Superintendent of Wingate Cemetery, who shall serve as such at the will of said Board. The Superintendent shall have such powers and duties as shall be conferred upon him or her by this section, and/or any ordinance, resolution or order of said Board at any time hereafter adopted or made. The Superintendent shall have charge of the upkeep, protection and preservation of the cemetery; he or she shall supervise the digging of all graves, the interment and disinterment of bodies, and the erection of monuments and markers; he or she shall supervise the planting of any and all shrubbery, trees and flowers, and make provision for the entrance and exit of persons and vehicles to and from said cemetery; provided, however, that the Superintendent shall not contract any debt or expend any money without first having obtained the consent and approval of the Board of Commissioners.
(Prior Code, § 92.03)
No person shall plant or set any tree, shrub, flower, grass or other plant of any kind in said cemetery except with the approval of and under the supervision of the Superintendent.
(Prior Code, § 92.05) Penalty, see § 10.99