140.01 BID LIMITS.
   The Town, in fulfilling their duties established in the Town Charter may employ engineers, architects, inspectors, superintendents, a manager, collectors, attorneys and such other personnel as in its judgment may be necessary in the execution of its powers and duties, and may fix their compensation, all of whom shall do such work as the Town shall direct. All such compensation and expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of said Charter shall be paid solely and only from funds provided under the authority or power given it so as not to bind the Town beyond the extent to which money shall have been or may be provided under the authority of West Virginia State Law or any other provision of the Codified Ordinances of the Town of Winfield. No contract or agreement with any contractor or contractors for labor or material exceeding the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) shall be made without advertising for bids, which bids shall be publicly opened and award made to the best bidder, with power in the Town to reject any and all bids.
(Ord. 1999-2000-14. Passed 6-13-00.)