There shall be a lien on real estate within said Town for the Town taxes assessed thereon, and for all other assessments, fines and penalties assessed or imposed upon the owners thereof by the authorities of said Town, from the time the same are so assessed or imposed, which shall have priority over all other liens, except the liens for taxes due the State, County and district, and may be enforced by the Council in the same manner now provided by law for the enforcement of the lien for County taxes, or in such other manner as the Council may by ordinance prescribe. If any real estate within said Town be returned delinquent for the non-payment of the taxes thereon a copy of such delinquent list may be certified by the Council to the Auditor, and the same may be sold for the taxes, interest and commissions thereon, in the same manner, at the same time and by the same officer as real estate is sold for the non-payment of State taxes.