Every male resident of said Town not under twenty one nor over fifty years of age, shall if required by the Council thereof, work not exceeding two days, by himself or an acceptable substitute, on the roads, streets, and alleys of said Town under the direction of the Superintendent of Roads, Streets and Alleys, or may be released from such work, upon the payment to the Superintendent of such amount as may be fixed by the Council; the money paid to be used in the improvement of said roads, streets, and alleys; and if said work and money so paid is not sufficient to put and keep the roads, streets, alleys, sidewalks, cross-walks, drains, and gutters of said Town in good repair, the Council thereof shall levy a tax on all subjects of taxation therein sufficient for that purpose and to pay all other expenses incident thereto.
Whenever anything for which a State license is required is to be done within said Town, the Council may require a Town license therefor and may impose a tax thereon for the use of the Town but no license to sell, offer or expose for sale, any brandy, whiskey, rum, gin, wine, porter, ale, or beer, or any other spirituous, vinous or malt liquor or any intoxicating liquor, drink, mixture or preparation whatsoever within said Town or within two miles of the corporate limits thereof, unless it be within another incorporated city, town, or village shall be authorized or granted, except as provided in Chapter Thirty-Two of the Code of West Virginia. The Council shall require from every person so licensed, a bond with good security to be approved by the Council, in a penalty of at least three thousand five hundred dollars, payable to said Town by its corporate name. Conditioned as prescribed in Section Eighteen of Chapter Thirty-Two of the Code of West Virginia, and may revoke such license at any time the condition of said bond be broken, upon days previous notice to the person holding the same. And suits may be prosecuted and maintained on such bonds as prescribed in said Section of said Chapter, by the same persons, in the same manner and to the same extent as upon the bonds mentioned in said Section and all the provisions of said Section therein in violation to the bonds shall be fined applicable to the requirements of this Section.
If the owner or occupier of any sidewalk, foot-way, or gutter, in said Town or of the real property next adjacent thereto shall fail or refuse to curb, pave or keep the same clean, in the manner or within the time required by the Council, it shall be the duty of the Council to cause the same to be done at the expense of the Town, and to assess the amount of such expense upon such owner or occupant, and the same may be collected by the Sergeant in the same manner herein provided for the collection of the Town taxes.