   The Council of said Town shall have power therein to lay off, vacate, close, open, alter, curb, pave, and keep in good repair roads, streets, alleys, sidewalks, crosswalks, drains, and gutters, for the use of the public, or of any citizen thereof and to improve and light the same, and have them kept free from obstructions on or over them; to regulate the width of sidewalks on the streets, and to order the sidewalks, foot-ways, crosswalks, drains and gutters to be curbed and paved and kept in good order, free and clean, by the owners or occupants thereof; or of the real property next adjacent thereto; to establish and regulate markets, to prescribe the times of holding the same; to prevent injury or annoyance to the public or individuals from anything dangerous, offensive or unwholesome; to prevent hogs, cattle, horses, sheep, and other animals and fowls of all kinds from going at large in said town; to protect places of divine worship, schools, or societies formed for intellectual improvement, or for improvement in music either vocal or instrumental, or for any moral and social amusement in and about the premises where held; to abate or cause to be abated anything which in the opinion of a majority of the whole Council, shall be a nuisance; to regulate the keeping of gun powder and other combustibles; to provide in or near the Town places for the burial of the dead, and regulate internments therein; to provide for the regular building of houses or other structures, and for the making of division fences by the owners of adjacent premises, and the drainage of lots by the proper drains and ditches; to make regulations for guarding against dangers or damage by fire; prevent the illegal sales of all intoxicating liquors, drinks, mixtures and preparations therein; to protect the persons and property of the citizens of said Town, and to preserve peace and good order therein; and for this purpose to appoint, when necessary, a police force to assist the Sergeant in the discharge of his duties; to prescribe the powers and define the duties of the officers appointed by the Council, fix their terms of service and compensation, require and take from them bonds, when deemed necessary, payable to said Town in its corporate name, with such sureties and in such penalty as the Council may see fit, conditioned for the faithful discharge of their duties; to erect or authorize or prohibit the erection of gas works or water works in the Town, to prevent injury to or pollution of the same, or to the water or healthfulness thereof; to regulate and provide the weighing of hay, coal, and other articles sold or for sale in the Town, and to provide a revenue for the Town and appropriate the same to its expenses; to provide for the annual assessment of taxable property therein; to adopt rules for the transaction of business and the government and regulation of it own body.