(a)   The provision and maintenance of required off-street parking, loading, and internal roadway facilities are continuing obligations of the property owner.
   (b)   In all zoning districts, when a building is enlarged or structurally altered, or a new building is constructed, or the use of an existing building is changed, off-street parking, loading spaces, and internal roadways shall be provided according to the requirements set forth in this article.
      (1)   When several uses occupy a single structure or lot, the total required parking shall be the sum of the requirements of the individual uses. When there is a change in the use of a building or parcel of land, the difference between the number of required parking spaces for the new use and the number required for the previous legal use according to this article, even if spaces were not available for the previous use, shall be provided.
      (2)   However, when the increased intensity or enlargement of a commercial building requires two (2) or less new spaces, no additional parking spaces shall be required.
   (c)   In all zoning districts, required off-street parking shall be located on the premises intended to be served, unless a conditional permit for a restricted accessory parking area is obtained from the Planning Commission in accordance with appropriate district regulations and the provisions of Article 1359 Conditional Permit Uses.
   (d)   Required parking spaces shall be available for parking of vehicles of residents, customers, patrons, and employees, and shall not be used for storage of vehicles or materials or for the exclusive parking of vehicles used in conducting the business or use, and shall not be used for selling, repairing, or servicing. Exceptions to this shall include the seasonal selling of Christmas trees and sidewalk sales by existing on-site businesses.
   (e)   No vehicle parking or maneuvering shall be permitted in any required front setback, except for a factory-built home in a factory-built home rental community, a single family dwelling or a duplex, any of which may have two spaces in the front setback. Portions of the front setback are permitted to be paved for vehicle or pedestrian ingress/egress only and in no case shall more than 50 percent of the front setback be paved. When parking areas are provided on a separate lot, the front setback requirements shall be determined as if applied to a one- story structure within the zoning district where it is located.
   (f)   A plan, drawn to scale, indicating how the off-street parking requirements are to be met, shall accompany an application for a multi-family and nonresidential building permit. The plan shall show all elements necessary to indicate that the parking requirement is being fulfilled, and shall include at least the following:
      (1)   Delineation of individual parking spaces; and
      (2)   Circulation area necessary to serve spaces; and
      (3)   Access to streets and property to be served; and
      (4)   Curb cuts; and
      (5)   Dimensions, continuity, and type of screening; and
      (6)   Grading, drainage, and surfacing details; and
      (7)   Delineation of obstacles to parking and circulation in finished parking area; and
      (8)   Specifications as to signs and bumper guards; and
      (9)   Landscaping; and
      (10)   Identification of required handicapped parking spaces; and
      (11)   Lighting plan; and
      (12)   Pedestrian walkways and crosswalks, if applicable.
   (g)   Non-compliance with any part of this article shall be subjected to the enforcement and financial penalties provisions as described in Article 1375 Administration and Enforcement.
(Ord. 2005-06-02. Passed 3-20-06.)