Wherever any uncertainty exists as to the boundary of a district as delineated on the zoning maps, the following rules shall govern:
   (a)   Where a zoning district boundary line is shown as following a road, alley, utility right-of- way, or watercourse, it shall be construed as following the centerline of the right-of-way or watercourse.
   (b)   Where a zoning district boundary line appears to follow or approximately coincide with a lot or property ownership line, it shall be construed as following such line.
   (c)   Where a zoning district boundary line is not shown as following or approximately coinciding with a road, alley, utility right-of-way, watercourse, lot line or property ownership line, the zoning district boundary line shall be determined by reference to the largest scale zoning map in which the boundary appears.
   (d)   Where a public street or alley is officially vacated, the zoning designation applicable to abutting property on each side of the centerline shall apply up to the centerline of such street or alley.
   (e)   All property lines and dimensions shown on the official zoning maps shall be construed to be those property lines and dimensions described in the proper deeds of record for the subject property or specifically described by measurements on map.
(Ord. 2005-06-02. Passed 3-20-06.)