An application for a final plat for a subdivision, which was previously granted preliminary plat approval, shall include the following:
(a) Application - Completely filled out;
(b) Filing fee (See Administrative Code Section 135.02)
(c) Six (6) prints, a reproducible copy (sepia or mylar), and, if available, an electronic version of the plat showing:
(1) The name of the subdivision;
(2) The deed book and page numbers for the subject tract, a north arrow, and the scale to which the plat is drawn;
(3) The name of the owner(s) and the subdivider of the subject tract;
(4) The name, signature and seal of the registered professional engineer or licensed land surveyor who prepared the plat;
(5) The surveyed (metes and bounds, courses and distances) of all the lot lines and the boundaries of the subject tract;
(6) The locations of all streets serving the lots in the subject tract, including their rights-of-way and pavement widths;
(7) The locations, identification and sizes of all utilities, catch basins, culverts, ditches and underground structures, together with pipe sizes, grades and the widths and location of all easements therefore;
(8) A vicinity sketch which helps identify the location of the subject tract and its proximity to other points of reference;
(9) All lots or parcels being offered for dedication or reservation for public use;
(10) A list and description of all streets being offered for dedication;
(11) A signature block to read:
APPROVED: Winfield Planning Commission
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Winfield Planning Official Date
(Ord. 2005-06-02. Passed 3-20-06.)