The subdivider shall file a maintenance bond, or similar guarantee, as a condition of acceptance of the dedication of any street(s). The bond, or similar guarantee, shall be in the amount as considered adequate by the town engineer and prepared in a form approved by the town attorney, and it shall assure the satisfactory condition of the street(s) for a period of two (2) years from the date of the dedication acceptance. This document shall cover the costs of repairs, maintenance, or replacement of any part or all of the street(s) resulting from faulty construction, as determined by the town engineer.
(Ord. 2005-06-02. Passed 3-20-06.)
When the Planning Commission deems it necessary for the safety of pedestrians they may require a sidewalk to be provided within the street right-of-way or require sidewalks, if required by law. If sidewalks are required, they must comport with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Such sidewalk shall be four (4) inches thick, with a crushed stone base four (4) inches thick after compaction and have a curb consistent with the thickness of the sidewalk. A base filter fabric conforming to WV Division of Highway requirements must be installed underneath the stone. Reinforcing shall consist of six (6) gauge wire mesh having at least a six (6) inch x six (6) inch spacing pattern. Expansion joints shall be made at least every six (6) feet.
(Ord. 2016-2017-15. Passed 8-8-17.)
(Ord. 2016-2017-15. Passed 8-8-17.)
Any development within the Town of Winfield shall be provided with a storm sewer system capable of handling, at a minimum, a 25-year storm event based on the Rational Method for post- development conditions. Two (2) copies of the drainage calculations, signed and stamped by a professional engineer in good standing with the state of West Virginia, with drainage area map(s) shall be provided to the Town Engineer. The design of the system must take into account off-site runoff that flows onto the development as well as future expansion of the development and meet, at least, the following requirements: (The Town Engineer may make additional requirements to insure the development’s storm sewer/drainage system meets minimum acceptable engineering standards and requirements).
(a) Culvert and Pipe Material.
(1) Corrugated Metal Pipes (CMP), bends and fittings shall be a minimum of 16-gague and be bituminous coated with a paved invert.
(2) Reinforced Concrete pipe meeting the requirements of ASTM.
(3) High Density Polyethylene (HPDE) pipe shall be corrugated on the outside and have a smooth interior wall. All bends and fittings shall be of the same material as the pipe.
(4) Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) with push on joints meeting the requirements of ASTM for SDR-35 pipe.
(5) The Town Engineer must approve alternative pipe material.
(b) Inlets and Storm Manholes.
(1) Inlets shall be placed at all low points within the development.
(2) Inlet grates shall be constructed ½” below finished grade.
(3) Inlets shall be placed so that runoff does not exceed ¼” in depth at any point within the development.
(4) Inlets shall be sized to handle a 25-year storm event.
(5) Inlets located in traffic areas or parking lots or have inlet and/or outlet pipes made of Corrugated Metal or Reinforced Concrete shall be made of concrete and have a metal grate. Inlets in pedestrian or landscape areas can be PVC.
(6) Storm manholes shall be made of concrete and have a metal frame and cover.
(7) Any inlet or storm manhole over three (3) feet in depth shall have plastic reinforced steps spaced 18-inches vertically.
(8) All inlets and storm manholes shall have at least a 6-inch sediment zone below the outlet pipe.
(9) An inlet or storm manhole shall be placed at least every 400 feet for access and cleaning of the pipe.
(10) Whenever two (2) or more storm pipes confluence, an inlet or storm manhole shall be provided. No wyes or tees will be allowed, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Director.
(11) A minimum of 6-inches of crushed stone shall be placed under all inlets and/or storm manholes.
(c) Construction Methods.
(1) No pipe shall have less than 2.5 feet of cover over the crown.
(2) Culverts or pipes installed in traffic or loading areas shall have a minimum of 3.5 feet of cover over the crown, unless approved by the Town Engineer.
(3) For all inlets and storm manholes, if an outlet pipe is larger than an inlet pipe the crowns of the pipes, at a minimum, must match elevations.
(4) No culvert or storm drain shall be installed with less than a 0.40% slope, unless approved by the Town Engineer.
(5) Culverts and storm drains shall be bedded with crushed rock or stone, sand or suitable earth material as approved by the Town Engineer. The material shall have 95% passing a ¾” sieve, with no particles larger than 1½”.
(6) The trench width shall be a minimum of the nominal pipe diameter plus 24- inches (12-inches each side of the pipe).
(7) The bottom of the trench shall be excavated 6-inches below the pipe invert to provide for bedding material. Additional excavation will be required for pipes with bells. Bedding shall extend to 6-inches above the pipe crown.
(8) Suitable backfill shall be placed over the pipe and bedding in 6-inch layers. Only natural material may be used for backfill, as approved by the Town Engineer. No particles larger than 4-inches in diameter in any direction will be allowed in the backfill.
(d) Ditches and Swales.
(1) Where practical, the use of ditches and swales may be used with the approval of the Town Engineer.
(2) Ditches may be grass, rock or concrete lined. Grass lined ditches will have minimum side slopes of 4:1 to allow for mowing.
(3) The maximum allowable velocities in feet per second (fps) for ditches are as follows:
0 to 8 - Type A Matting (per WV DOH)
8 to 15 - Type B Matting (per WV DOH)
15 or Greater - Concrete or Rock Lined
(4) If rock or concrete lined ditches are proposed regardless of the velocities, matting is not required. However, rock lined ditches will require a double weed mat to prevent vegetation from growing up between the rocks.
(e) Storm Water Management Facility.
(1) In areas that have experienced or it is anticipated will experience storm water problems, any new development shall provide adequate control of storm water by means of a detention basin to accommodate a post development storm with a 2-year, 24-hour frequency, a 10-year, 24-hour frequency, and a 25-year, 24-hour frequency to be released at a rate not to exceed the predevelopment discharge for the same storm event. The facility shall be constructed with an overflow designed at a 50-year frequency. A storm water management facility will not be required if the discharge is directly to the Kanawha River and has been approved by the US Army Corps of Engineers and/or the Public Lands Corporation.
(2) Any redevelopment project that increases the existing runoff by more than 5% shall accommodate all of the runoff above the 5% increase.
(3) Unless otherwise approved by the Town of Winfield Planning Commission, all detention basins will be underground.
(4) For sizing the storm water management facility, flow rates will be determined by the Rational Method and volumes will be determined by the Abt and Grigg Method. Two (2) copies of the engineering calculations, signed and stamped by a professional engineer in good standing with the state of West Virginia, shall be provided to the Town Engineer.
(5) If approval is given for an above grade facility, it shall not be constructed in an area that would devalue or impair the use of other properties or be aesthetically displeasing. The facility will be screened on all sides with a privacy fence or slated wire fence. A lockable gate will also be provided. Some form of insect control, approved by the Town Engineer, will also be required.
(6) The use of retention basins/ponds are prohibited.
(7) The maintenance of the storm water management facility will be the sole responsibility of the owner/developer of the property.
(Ord. 2005-06-02. Passed 3-20-06.)
During the construction of any development, the developer shall be responsible for the control of erosion, sediment and runoff from the site. The practices shall, at a minimum, meet the criteria set forth in the most recent version of the WV Division of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) Erosion and Sediment Control Manual. In addition, the following are required:
(a) Cut and fill slopes shall be no greater than 2:1, unless approved by the Town Engineer.
(b) Clearing, except that necessary to establish erosion and sediment control devices, shall not begin until all erosion and sediment control devices have been installed and stabilized.
(c) Phasing shall be required on all sites disturbing greater than 20 acres, unless approved by the Winfield Planning Commission.
(d) Erosion control requirements shall include soil stabilization within seven (7) days of clearing or inactivity in construction.
(e) Special techniques that meet the design criteria outlined in the WV DEP Erosion and Sediment Control Manual for steep slopes or in drainage ways shall be used to ensure stabilization.
(f) Soil stockpiles must be stabilized or covered at the end of each workday.
(g) The entire site must be stabilized, using a heavy mulch layer or another method that does not require germination to control erosion, at the close of the construction season.
(h) Techniques shall be employed to prevent the blowing of dust or sediment from the site.
(i) Techniques that divert upland runoff past disturbed slopes shall be employed.
(j) A temporary stream crossing shall be installed and approved by the WV DEP if a wet watercourse will be crossed regularly during construction.
(k) Stabilization of the watercourse channel before, during and after any in-channel work.
(l) Stabilization adequate to prevent erosion located at the outlet of all pipes and paved channels.
(m) A temporary access road provided at all sites.
(n) Silt fencing or some other approved barrier shall be placed around all disturbed areas.
(o) The developer is responsible for keeping dirt, mud and debris off of existing streets and adjacent properties. Dirt, mud and debris that are carried onto Town or private property shall be removed within 24 hours of the developer’s notification by Town’s building official or planning staff.
(p) No person or development shall be granted a building permit for land-disturbing activity that would require the disturbance of more than 1 acre without the approval of an Erosion and Sediment control plan from the WV DEP or Soil Conservation Service (SCS). However, no approval is required for any emergency activity that is immediately necessary for the protection of life, property or natural resources or existing nursery and agricultural operations conducted as a permitted main or accessory use.
(q) Upon completion of the improvements, the subdivider shall stabilize soils through re-vegetation of disturbed areas or by means as shall be required and/or approved by the town engineer.
(Ord. 2005-06-02. Passed 3-20-06.)
The subdivider shall file a maintenance bond, or similar guarantee, as a condition of acceptance of the dedication of any new drainage system. The bond, or similar guarantee, shall be in an amount as considered adequate by the town engineer and prepared in a form approved by the town attorney, and it shall assure the satisfactory condition of the drainage system for a period of two (2) years from the date of the dedication acceptance. This document shall cover the costs of repairs, maintenance, or replacement of any part or all of the drainage system resulting from faulty construction, as determined by the town engineer.
(Ord. 2005-06-02. Passed 3-20-06.)
Every subdivision shall be provided with a complete water distribution system adequate to serve the area being platted, including a connection for each lot and appropriately spaced fire hydrants (See Section 1313.02 Fire hydrants). Said water distribution system and hydrants shall be installed at the subdivider's expense. Approval from the West Virginia American Water Company must be obtained prior to final approval.
(Ord. 2005-06-02. Passed 3-20-06.)
Every subdivision shall be provided with a satisfactory sanitary sewage disposal system, as follows:
(a) Where a public sanitary sewer main is reasonably accessible, in the opinion of the sanitary board, the subdivision shall be provided with a complete sanitary sewer system connected with such sewer main, including a lateral connection for each lot. The subdivider shall submit the State Health Department's written approval of the sewer design prior to final action by the Commission.
(b) Where a public sanitary sewer system main is not reasonably accessible, in the opinion of the sanitary board, proper provision shall be made for the disposal of sanitary wastes, the design or construction of which must be approved by the Putnam County Health Department and/or State Health Department. The subdivider shall submit the Putnam County Health Department and/or State Health Department's written approval of the design or construction prior to final action by the Commission.
(c) When deemed necessary by the Town Sanitary Board, the developer or subdivider shall pay all costs associated with modifying the WV NPDES permit.
(Ord. 2005-06-02. Passed 3-20-06.)
The decision of need for a traffic impact study will be at the discretion of the Winfield Planning Commission and/or the West Virginia Division of Highways (WVDOH) prior to approval of the subdivision and/or building application. If a traffic impact study is required by either the Winfield Planning Commission or the WVDOH, the owner/developer is responsible for all costs associated with said study. The study should be performed as described in Section 106-1 of the latest published WVDOT Division of Highways Traffic Engineering Directives.
The owner/developer is responsible for all costs associated with any improvements that must be made based on the results of the impact study, including any improvements to Town Streets as determined by the Planning Director in conjunction with or separate from the impact study. At the discretion of the Planning Director, the need for an impact study may be waived if the development is three (3) residential lots or less, or the development has less than seven (7) parking spaces and if the WVDOH agrees to said waiver. A traffic impact study is not required for redevelopment projects that do not increase the amount of traffic, unless required by the WVDOH. Traffic count credits are not allowed.
(Ord. 2007-08-01. Passed 11-13-07.)
All of the above standards are intended to ensure that all construction is performed according to appropriate engineering standards. The above-mentioned standards can only be deviated from if the City of Winfield's Planning Commission's Engineer issues a written opinion that some different standard would accomplish the same result according to the then-current appropriate engineering standards. This opinion must be tendered to the Planning Commission in writing before the approval of any said construction takes place.
(Ord. 2014-15-4. Passed 9-9-14.)
(Ord. 2014-15-4. Passed 9-9-14.)