925.01 Rates.
925.02 Security deposits.
925.03 Guarantee agreement.
925.04 Application in case of receiver or trustee.
925.05 Fees for termination and reconnection of water service for non-payment of sewer bills.
Power to collect charges - see W.Va. Code 8-12-5(32), 16-13-16
Review by Public Service Commission - see W.Va. Code 24-2-4(b)
Deposit limitations - see W.Va. Code 24-3-8
(a) Applicable in entire territory served.
(1) Availability of service. Available for general domestic and commercial service.
(2) Rates.
Rate per 1000 gallons | $13.13 |
Minimum charge based on 2000 gallons | $26.26 |
Average monthly bill based on 3400 gallons | $44.64 |
Average monthly bill based on 4000 gallons | $52.52 |
In addition, once the bond ordinance financing the new Sanitary Sewer Plant has been adopted and the closing on the loan has taken place, a second increase would go into effect as follows:
Rate per 1000 gallons | $15.95 |
Minimum charged based on 2000 gallons | $31.90 |
Average monthly bill based on 3400 gallons | $54.23 |
Average monthly bill based on 4000 gallons | $63.80 |
Each rate will carry with it a monthly minimum charge of 2000 gallons.
(Ord. 2019-20-7. Passed 3-10-20.)
(3) Sewer Rates - Schedule 1.
A. The proposed increased rates and charges will become effective September 1, 2023 unless otherwise ordered by the Public Service Commission (the "Commission") and will produce approximately $95,195.00 annually in additional revenue, an increase of ten percent (10%).
B. The average monthly bill for the various classes of customers will be changed as follows:
($) INCREASE INCREASE (%) Residential (3,500 gallons) $5.60 10% Commercial (10,000 gallons) $16.00 10% Public Authority (19,000 gallons) $30.40 10% |
C. The increases shown are based on averages of all customers in the indicted class. Individual customers may receive increases that are greater or less than average. Furthermore, the requested rates and charges are only a proposal and are subject to change (increase or decrease) by the Commission in its review of this filing. The Commission shall review and approve or modify the increased rates only upon the filing of a petition within thirty (30) days of the adoption of the ordinance changing said rates or charges, by:
1. Any customer aggrieved by the changed rates or charges who presents to the Commission a petition signed by not less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the customers served by such municipality operated public utility; or
2. Any customer who is served by the City's sewer system who resides outside the corporate limits and who is affected by the change in said rates or charges and who presents to the Commission a petition alleging discrimination between customers within and without the City's boundaries. Said petition shall be accompanied by evidence of discrimination; or
3. Any customer or group of customers who are affected by said change in rates who reside within the City's boundaries and who present a petition to the Commission alleging discrimination between said customer or group of customers and other customers of the City's sewer system. Said petition shall be accompanied by evidence of discrimination.
D. All petitions should be addressed to the Executive Secretary, Public Service Commission of West Virginia 201 Brooks Street, Post Office Box 812, Charleston, West Virginia 25323.
E. A complete copy of the proposed rates, as well as a representative of the utility to provide any information requested concerning it, is available to all customers, prospective customers, or their agents at the Recorder's Office at 12448 Winfield Road, Winfield, West Virginia 25213 any of the following.
(Ord. 2022-2023-7. Passed 8-15-23.)
(b) Delayed Payment Penalty. The above tariff is net. On all accounts not paid in full within twenty (20) days of date of bill, a ten percent (10%) penalty shall be added to net amount shown. This delayed payment penalty is not interest and shall only be charged once for each bill when applicable.
(Ord. 2014-2015-3. Passed 3-24-15.)
(c) Connection Charge. It shall be the customer/owner's responsibility to run all sewer lines to the main header/sanitary sewer line of the City. The City shall inspect the lines to ensure that it meets all code and City requirements. Before a customer is allowed to tap into the City sanitary sewer line the customer/owner will be required to pay the Winfield Sanitary Department a tap fee according to the following schedule.
(1) Three hundred fifty dollars ($350.00) per tap for any development/application/unit for each tap up to a total of ten (10).
(2) For any tap for any development/application/unit in excess of ten (10) the tap fee shall be seventy-five dollars ($75.00), (after the first ten (10) have been paid).
An occupying certificate for any unit shall not be provided until the appropriate tap fee is paid. A tap fee will be applicable for each new unit of construction and/or installation regardless of whether the tap is directly into the City owned Sanitary Sewer System line or into a line that ultimately accesses into the City owned Sanitary Sewer System.
(Ord. 2020-2021-7. Passed 2-9-21.)
(d) Returned Check Charge. There will be a twenty dollar ($20.00) charge on all returned checks.
(Ord. 2014-2015-3. Passed 3-24-15.)
(a) The Winfield Sanitary Board shall require all customers of the sewer system to make an initial deposit upon application for services as a guarantee of the payment for sewer service used. Such deposit shall be 1/6 of the average annual usage of the applicants’ specific customer class or fifty dollars ($50.00) whichever is greater. Sewer service shall not be established until these conditions are fulfilled and the Board may refuse service if the guarantee is not given when required. For all owners, said deposit shall be held for twelve consecutive months, and at the end of such time the Board shall promptly and automatically refund the deposit plus accrued interest at the rate as calculated in accordance with 4.2.1c of the Rules and Regulations for the Government of Sewer Utilities, Public Service Commission of West Virginia and be paid from the date of deposit until refund date. Calculation of the above twelve months period shall commence from the first regular payment or following the payment of a past due bill or bills. The board shall have a reasonable time, not to exceed thirty (30) days, to ascertain that the obligations of the customers have been fully performed before being required to return any deposit in the case where there has not been an automatic refund. If the customer is a tenant then the refund of the deposit shall not be made until such customer discontinues service.
(Ord. 2014-2015-3. Passed 3-24-15.)
(b) Record of Deposit. The Board shall keep a record showing cash deposits:
(1) The name and current address of each depositor;
(2) The amount and date of the deposit; and
(3) Each transaction concerning the deposit.
(c) The Receipt. Concurrently with receiving a cash deposit, the Board shall deliver to the applicant for service or customer, a receipt showing: the date thereof, the name of the applicant or customer and the address of the premises to be served or served, the service to be furnished or furnished, and the amount of the deposit and the rate of interest to be paid thereon. The Board shall provide automatic means to refund the deposit of a customer, when he is so entitled, if the original receipt cannot be produced. A receipt of proof or payment will not be necessary under the provisions for an automatic refund.
(Ord. 2003-04-05. Passed 8-10-05.)
(d) Fees for Termination and Reconnection of Water Service for Non-Payment of Sewer Bills.
(1) Disconnection Fee. Whenever water service has been disconnected solely due to non-payment of sewer bill(s), a disconnection fee of $20.00 shall be charged.
(2) Reconnection Fee. Whenever water service which has been previously disconnected solely due to non-payment of sewer bill(s) is reconnected, a $20.00 reconnection fee shall be charged.
(Ord. 2014-2015-3. Passed 3-24-15.)
(Ord. 2014-2015-3. Passed 3-24-15.)
(e) Unclaimed Deposits. Should the Board have retained, through no fault of its own, deposits made by customers to whom service has been discontinued during any calendar year, it shall, on or before the first day of March, of each year, mail to the customer’s last known address a check, as refund of the deposit plus accrued interest, or at the Board’s option, publish a list of such depositors, in a newspaper published and of general circulation in each of the counties it operates and in which the deposits were made, showing as of the thirty-first day of December immediately preceding, the amount of each such deposit, together with accrued interest, are being held to their credit and will be returned upon request. The Board shall not be liable for any interest on such deposit after publication of such lists. Upon the completion of the above procedure, the deposit shall be considered as derelict property subject to recovery by the State of West Virginia under the provisions of Chapter 34, Article 2, Section 1 of the Code of West Virginia.
(Ord. 2003-04-05. Passed 8-10-05.)
(Ord. 2003-04-05. Passed 8-10-05.)