(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to cut any tree or demolish, wreck, or tear down any building without first obtaining a license as hereafter provided, with the exception of the owner, tenant, or lessee of the real estate upon which the tree or trees or building or buildings are located.
   (B)   Any person, firm or corporation desiring to demolish, wreck, or tear down any building or cut any tree shall apply to the Clerk-Treasurer for a license, stating in such application the name of the applicant, or if a firm, the names of the members thereof, the location of the building to be demolished, wrecked or torn down, and/or the tree to be cut; and such applicant is to pay to the Clerk-Treasurer the sum of $3 for a license valid for a three-day period or the sum of $10 for a license which shall be valid for one year. The fees shall be accounted for as other fees. The Clerk-Treasurer shall refer said application to the Mayor for his approval. The Mayor shall consider such application and may require a bond to insure the removal and clean up of debris occasioned by said demolition, wrecking or tearing down of such buildings or the cutting down of such trees. The Mayor may further require of the applicant liability insurance for the protection of persons or property that may be injured or damaged by such demolition, wrecking or tearing down of building and/or cutting of trees.
(Ord. 545, passed 1-7-68) Penalty, see § 150.99