(A)   No person, firm, or corporation shall operate or cause to be operated a motor vehicle on the streets, highways, or public rights-of-way of the city, in such a manner or with such equipment as to make, facilitate, create, or increase any loud, unnecessary, excessive or usual noise, including music, which either annoys, disturbs, injures, or endangers the comfort, repose, or peace and quiet of any other person or of any neighborhood within the city.
   (B)   No person, firm, or corporation shall operate any motor vehicle upon the streets, highways, or public rights-of-way within the city in such a manner so as to endanger the lives or property of others.
   (C)   No person, firm, or corporation shall operate a motor vehicle unless he or she maintains reasonable control of the motor vehicle.
   (D)   No person shall intentionally accelerate a motor vehicle under his or her control in such a manner as to cause the drive wheels of the vehicle to break traction, spin upon the roadway, and create excessive noise.
   (E)   (1)   No person, firm, or corporation shall permit or allow any motor vehicle owned, leased or under the control of such person, firm, or corporation to operate in any residential zone within the city in such a manner that the engine noise itself disturbs the peace and quiet of the area or while the motor vehicle is unattended for a period exceeding 30 minutes within a 12 hour period. It shall be a violation of this division if the unattended vehicle is left running for any period of time if the vehicle is not secured in a manner necessary to prevent authorized entry.
      (2)   For purposes of this section, the term MOTOR VEHICLE would include, but not be limited to, any automobile, truck, semi-tractor, farm machinery, or refrigeration unit or other motor powered unit on a motor vehicle.
   (F)   The violation of the foregoing provisions shall constitute a Class B infraction and shall be known as the offense of "disorderly conduct with a motor vehicle."
(Ord. 2000-12, passed 1-15-01) Penalty, see § 70.99