(A)   All persons having, making, or accumulating trash, yard waste, garbage, and other unwholesome and waste materials shall keep the same disposal unit(s) in compliance with those provisions set forth in § 50.03 and shall place the disposal unit(s) at the designated location for weekly collection.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful to set any container larger than a 96-gallon disposal unit curbside, excepting dumpsters which be allowed for apartment complexes, commercial, retail, and office complexes, when the city disposal unit(s) is/are not acceptable in size and/or cost as otherwise approved by the Board of Works and Public Safety.
   (C)   Dumpsters are permitted for construction debris and large volumes consistent with the provisions herein, except dumpsters may not be placed on the streets, sidewalks, or right-of-ways without permission from the Board of Works and Public Safety.
   (D)   Any person allowing trash or garbage to accumulate or remain on premises which he/she occupies or owns, or for which he/she is legally responsible, may be ordered to remove the offending material by the Board of Public Works and Safety.
   (E)   Notice of such order shall be served upon any adult occupying the real estate upon which the trash or garbage is located and upon the owner of the real estate. If no occupant or owner of the real estate can be found, a notice affixed to any building on the real estate shall constitute notice to the owner and occupant of the real estate.
   (F)   If, at the end of the period of notice, corrective action shall not have been taken, such person shall be subject to the penalties set forth in this chapter.
   (G)   If, at the end of the period of notice, corrective action has not been taken, the Mayor or the Board of Public Works and Safety shall have the duty of appointing an agent to remove the offending material, and make an accurate record of the expense involved.
   (H)   If the responsible person does not reimburse the city within 60 days of such removal, the expense of the removal shall be charged to the owner of the real estate from which the trash and garbage was removed. It shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works and Safety thereupon to certify the expense of removal to the County Treasurer. The Treasurer shall keep a record, in which shall be entered the name of the owner, description of the real estate from which the trash and garbage was removed, and the cost of removal as certified to him/her by the Board of Public Works and Safety.
(Ord. 2011-3, passed 4-4-11) Penalty, see § 50.99