The Board of Police Commissioners shall have all the powers and authority, and shall perform such duties as are provided and set forth in 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/10-2.1-4 and as detailed in subsection (A) of this section.
   (A)   The Board of Police Commissioners shall not make any original appointments or any promotional appointments in the Department of Police to fill vacancies therein until it has received a written resolution of the Village's Corporate Authorities requesting such action; further, the said resolution shall be effective upon its formal adoption by a majority vote of the Village's Corporate Authorities then holding office.
   (B)   The Board of Police Commissioners may provide for a system of weighing oral interview scores of patrol officer candidates predicated on a candidate's receipt of college credit for the completion of any of the following job related courses:
      1.   Law enforcement.
      2.   Public administration.
      3.   Social science.
      4.   Police science.
      5.   Criminal justice.
      6.   Forensic science.
      7.   Adolescent behavior. (Ord. 12-O-22, 9-24-2012)