(A)   Code Adopted: There is hereby adopted by reference as if fully set out herein that certain Code known as the International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, 2018, first printing, as prepared and published by the International Code Council, Inc., together with the additions, insertions, deletions and changes hereinafter set forth, one copy of which has been for a period of more than thirty (30) days prior to the effective date hereof and now is on file in the Office of the Village Clerk.
   (B)   Amendments To Code: The following additions, insertions, deletions and changes are hereby made to the International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, 2018, first printing:
      1.   Section R101.1 Title: Amend by deleting the words and punctuation marks, "(Name of Jurisdiction)" and insert the words "The Village of Willowbrook".
      2.   Section R102 Applicability. Amend by adding the following new Sections R102.8 and R102.9:
         Section R102.8 Electrical. All references within this code to "ICC Electrical Code" shall be deleted in their entirety and in lieu thereof, the following language shall be substituted: "National Electrical Code, 2017, prepared and published by the National Fire Protection Association, Inc.".
         Section R102.9 Plumbing. All references within this code to the ICC Plumbing Code shall be deemed changed to read the: "current Illinois Plumbing Code, prepared and published by the Illinois Department of Public Health with amendments by the Village of Willowbrook".
      3.   Section R105.2 Work exempt from permit. Delete in its entirety.
      4.   Section R105.5 Expiration. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new Section R105.5:
         Section R105.5 Extension and expiration of building permit. If after a building permit required by this chapter shall have been granted, if the operation called for by such permit shall not have been started within six (6) months after the date thereof, such permit shall be void and no operation thereunder shall be begun. Where, under authority of a permit, work has begun and has not been prosecuted for a continuous or cumulative period of six (6) months, all rights under such permits shall thereupon terminate and work can be continued only after application for and issuance of a new permit. Where, under authority of a permit, work has not been completed within eighteen (18) months after the issuance of such permit and an occupancy certificate or certificate of completion issued, all rights under such permit shall thereupon terminate and work can be continued only after application for and issuance of a new permit. The new permit shall only be issued for a period in which to expediently complete the work originally permitted. The completion period of the extended permit shall be approved by the Building Official of his/her designee. The fee for said new permit shall be equivalent to the fee applicable to the original building permit obtained. Failure to complete the originally permitted work prior to the expiration date of the extended permit shall be a violation of this code and punishable in accordance with the provisions of title 1, chapter 4 of the Village Code.
      5.   Section R108.1 Payment of fees. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section R108.1.
         Section R108.1 Payment of fees. A Permit shall not be Issued until the review process has been completed and Approved and the fees prescribed in Title 4, Section 4-2-11 of the Village Municipal Code have been paid and accepted, nor shall an Amendment to a Permit be released until the additional fee, if any, due to an increase of the installation, has been paid and accepted.
      6.   Section R110.2 Change in use. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section R110.2.
         Section R110.2 Change in use. Changes in the character or use of an existing structure shall require that use or structure to be in compliance with all current codes and regulations of the Village of Willowbrook.
      7.   Section R110.3 Certificate issued. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section R110.3:
         Section R110.3 Certificate issued. After the building official inspects the building or structure and finds no violations of the provisions of this code or other laws that are enforced by the department of building safety, the building official shall issue a certificate of occupancy.
      8.   Section R112 BOARD OF APPEALS. Delete this section in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section R112:
         Section R112 BOARD OF APPEALS.
         Section R112.1 Application for appeal: Each owner and occupant who is affected by this section shall have the right to appeal from the decision of the Village made pursuant to this section. All appeals shall be made to the Board of Appeals of the Village of Willowbrook as hereinafter constituted and within ten (10) days after receipt of notice of the decision of the Village.
         Section R112.2 Membership of the board. The Board of Appeals shall be the Plan Commission of the Village of Willowbrook. A majority of the members of the Plan Commission then holding office shall constitute a quorum.
         Section R112.3 Board actions. All actions of the Board must have the concurrence of a majority of those members then holding office. Action on an appeal brought before the Board may be taken by a written vote of a majority of the members upon each voting member certifying that he has read and considered the transcript of the hearing proceedings held by the Board in his absence.
         Section R112.4 Procedure. The rules of procedure during a hearing on an appeal shall be similar to the procedures for zoning appeals as adopted by the Plan Commission. In any event, all evidence that is relevant and material and of probative value shall be admitted. Hearsay evidence alone shall not support any decision of the Board.
         Section R112.5 Board recommendation. Recommendation to the corporate authorities from the Board shall be made within such time as may be set by the chairman, but, in any event, not later than thirty (30) days after receipt of the transcript of proceedings.
         Section R112.6 Powers of the Board: The Board of Appeals shall have the following powers:
            a. To make fact findings and to review fact findings of the Village, provided that fact findings of the Village shall be presumed to be correct until rebutted by a clear preponderance of the evidence to the contrary.
            b. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the intent of this code or the rules legally adopted hereunder have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of this code do not fully apply, or an equivalent method of protection or safety is proposed. The board shall have no authority to waive requirements of this code.
         Section R112.7 Board Review: Within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the recommendations of the Board of Appeals, the corporate authorities shall grant or deny the time extension or variation, or refer the matter back to the Board of Appeals for further consideration. If the Board of Appeals favorably recommends the granting of a time extension or variation, that time extension or variation may be granted by resolution by a majority vote of the corporate authorities. If the Board of Appeals does not favorably recommend the granting of a time extension or variation, that time extension or variation may be granted only by favorable vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the corporate authorities. The corporate authorities shall not grant a time extension or variation unless they have made findings of fact based upon evidence adduced by the hearing held by the Board of Appeals.
      9.   Section R113.4 Violation penalties: Delete this section in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section R113.4:
         Section R113.4 Violation penalties. Any person who shall violate a provision of this section or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, construct, alter or repair a building or structure in violation of an approved plan or a directive of the Building Official, or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this section shall be punishable by a fine of not less than seventy five dollars ($75.00) nor more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00). Each day that a violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense.
      10.   Section R114.2 Unlawful continuance: Delete this section in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section R114.2:
         Section R114.2 Unlawful continuance: Any person who shall continue any type of work in or about the structure after having been served with a stop work order, except such work as that person is directed by the building official to perform to remove a violation or unsafe conditions, shall be liable to a fine of not less than that prescribed by Title 4, Section 4-2-13(B) of the Village Code.
      11.   Section R202 DEFINITIONS. Amend by adding the following new Definition:
         FIRE OFFICIAL/FIRE MARSHALL. The Building Official or his designated agent/representative.
      12.   Table R301.2(1) Climatic and geographic design criteria. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Table R301.2(1):
TABLE R301.2(1)
Ground Snow Load
Wind Design
Seismic Design Category f
Subject To Damage From
Topographic Effectsk
Frost Line Depthb
Moderate to heavy
Winter Design Tempe
Ice Barrier Underlayment Requirementh
Flood Hazardsg
Air Freezing Indexi
Mean Annual Tempj
      13.   Section R302.2 Townhouses. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section R302.2:
         Section R302.2 Townhouses. Dwelling units in townhouses shall be separated from each other by a minimum two (2) hour fire resistance rated fire barrier constructed of minimum eight inch (8") concrete masonry units, or an equivalent concrete assembly. When the attached dwellings exceed four (4) units or 4800 square feet combined, a four (4) hour fire resistance rated fire barrier constructed of concrete masonry units, or an equivalent concrete assembly, shall be provided extending through the roof to a height of no less than thirty inches (30") above the lowest roof. The structural integrity of individual units shall be independent of other units.
      14.   Section R302.2.4 Parapets for townhouses. Delete the exception to item no. 2 in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new exception:
         Exception: Unless otherwise required in Sections R302.2 and R302.3, a parapet is not required in the two cases above when the roof is covered with a minimum class C roof covering, and the roof decking or sheathing is of noncombustible materials or approved fire-retardant treated wood for a distance of 4 feet (1219 mm) on each side of the wall or walls, or one layer of 5/8-inch (15.9 mm) Type X gypsum board is installed directly beneath the roof decking or sheathing for a distance of 4 feet (1219 mm) on each side of the wall or walls.
      15.   Section R302.2.4 Parapets for townhouses. Delete item no. 3 in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new no. item 3:
         3.   Unless otherwise required in sections R302.2 and R302.3, a parapet is not required where roof surfaces adjacent to the wall or walls are at different elevations and the higher roof is more than 30 inches above the lower roof. The common wall construction from the lower roof to the underside of the higher roof deck shall not have less than a 1-hour fire-resistive rating. The wall shall be rated for exposure from both sides.
      16.   Section R302.2.6 Structural Independence. Delete Exception 5 in its entirety.
      17.   Section R302.2.6 Structural Independence. Amend by adding the following new Section R302.2.6.1:
         Section R302.2.6.1 Dwelling unit separation wall. The required dwelling unit separation wall shall be self supporting and structurally independent from the framing within either dwelling unit. The collapse of the framing/structure on either side of the demising wall shall not reduce the integrity of the demising wall.
      18.   Section R302.3 Two-family dwellings. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section R302.3:
         Section R302.3 Two-family dwellings. Dwelling units in two-family dwellings shall be separated from each other by a minimum two (2) hour fire resistance rated fire barrier constructed of minimum eight inch (8") concrete masonry units, or an equivalent concrete assembly. When the attached dwellings exceed 4800 square feet combined, a four (4) hour fire resistance rated fire barrier constructed of concrete masonry units, or an equivalent concrete assembly, shall be provided extending through the roof to a height of no less than thirty inches (30") above the lowest roof. The structural integrity of individual units shall be independent of other units.
      19.   Section R302.4.2 Membrane penetrations. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section R302.4.2:
         Section R302.4.2 Membrane penetrations. Membrane penetrations of the required dwelling unit separation assembly are not permitted.
      20.   Section R302.5.1 Opening protection. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following Section R302.5.1:
         Section R302.5.1 Opening protection. Openings from a private garage directly into a room used for sleeping purposes are not permitted. Other openings between the garage and the residence shall be equipped with a self closing, self latching, three- quarter (3/4) hour fire rated door.
      21.   TABLE R302.6 DWELLING/GARAGE SEPARATION: Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new TABLE R302.6:
TABLE R302.6
From the residence and attics
Not less than 5/8" Type X gypsum board or equivalent applied to the garage side
From all habitable room above the garage
Not less than 5/8" Type X gypsum board or equivalent
(Structures) supporting floor/ceiling assemblies used for separation required by this section
Not less than 5/8" Type X gypsum board or equivalent
Garages located less than 3 feet from a dwelling unit on the same lot
Not less than 5/8" Type X gypsum board or equivalent applied to the interior side of the exterior walls that are within this area
      22.   Section R302.12 Draftstopping. Amend by deleting all reference to the language "1,000 square feet" contained therein and in lieu thereof, the following language shall be substituted:
         ... "500 square feet"...
      23.   Section R302.13 Fire protection of floors. Delete exception #2 in its entirety
      24.   Section R309.1 Floor surface. Amend by adding the following new Section R309.1.1:
         Section R309.1.1 Gas curb. All common walls between the garage and dwelling, including any openings for service doors, shall have a six-inch (6") gas curb, or be made gas tight by an approved membrane system.
      25.   Section R310.2.2 Window sill height. Amend by changing the number 44 inches to 40 inches.
      26.   Section R310 EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS. Amend by adding the following new Section R310.2.3.3:
         Section R310.2.3.3 Protective covers. The opening at the top of all window wells shall be covered with a grate or other material capable of supporting a fifty (50) pound live load on an area equal to one square foot, or a three hundred (300) pound concentrated load acting over an area of four (4) square inches, whichever produces the greater stresses. Said covers shall be removable, and, if locked, shall be able to be opened from the inside without the use of a key, tool or special knowledge.
            Exception: Where the basement window extends above the elevation of the window well, a protective rail may be used if Approved by the Building Official.
      27.   Section R311.7.6 Landings for stairways. Amend by adding the following new Section R311.7.6.1:
         Section R311.7.6.1 Anchorage for landings adjacent to stairs. Provide dowel bar anchorage at slabs, sidewalks and other types of landings which are adjacent to exterior concrete stairs. Dowel bars shall be designed and installed so as to maintain integrity of the riser heights as required by Section R311.7.5.1.
      28.   Section R311.7.8 Handrails. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section R311.7.8:
         Section R311.7.8 Handrails. Handrails shall be provided on at least one (1) side of each continuous run of treads or flight with three (3) or more risers.
      29.   Section R312.1.1 Where required. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section R312.1.1:
         Section R312.1.1 Where required. Open-sided walking surfaces, including porches, balconies or raised floor surfaces or open sides of stairs located more than twenty-four inches (24") above the floor or grade below shall have guardrails not less than thirty-six inches (36") in height. The height of the open-sided walking surface shall be determined by measuring the lowest point of the adjacent grade below located within three feet (3') horizontally from the edge of the open-sided walking surface above. Insect screening shall not be considered as a guard.
      30.   Section R312.2 Height. Add the following new exception:
         3.   Open-sided walking surfaces, including porches, balconies or raised floor surfaces located more than eighty-four inches (84") above the floor or grade below shall have guardrails not less than forty-two inches (42") in height.
      31.   SECTION R313 AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS. Delete in its entirety in lieu thereof substitute the following new SECTION R313:
         Section R313.1 One and two family dwelling automatic fire sprinkler system. A limited area automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed within one and two family dwellings including townhouses.
         Section R313.2 Locations. Automatic sprinkler heads shall be placed in all rooms housing gas-fired mechanical appliances such as furnaces, boilers and water heaters and like appliances so as to provide coverage to all areas within ten feet (10') of any part of the gas-fired appliances.
         Section R313.3 Design and installation. Limited area automatic residential fire sprinkler systems shall be designed in accordance with this Section, the 2018 International Building Code, Section 903.3.8 and the Illinois Plumbing Code as Adopted and Amended by the Village of Willowbrook.
      32.   Section R314.6 Power source. Amend by adding the following new wording to the end of the last sentence.
         "..., and display a visible light which indicates its proper operation."
      33.   Section R401.1 Application. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section R401.1:
         Section R401.1 Application. The provisions of this chapter shall control the design and construction of the foundation and foundation spaces for all buildings. In addition to the provisions of this chapter, the design and construction of foundations in areas prone to flooding as established by Table R301.2(1) shall meet the provisions of Section R322.
      34.   Section R402.1 Wood foundations. Delete in its entirety.
      35.   Section R403.1 General. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section R403.1:
         Section R403.1 General. All exterior walls shall be supported on continuous concrete footings, or other approved structural systems which shall be of sufficient design to support safely the loads imposed as determined from the character of the soil. Footings shall be supported on undisturbed natural soil or engineered fill. Concrete footings shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the provisions of Section R403 or in accordance with ACI 332.
      36.   Section R403.1.1 Minimum size. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section R403.1.1:
         Section R403.1.1 Minimum size. Footings shall be designed in accordance with the following requirements.
         1.   Minimum dimension for spread footings shall be ten inches (10") deep by twenty inches (20") wide.
         2.   The depth of all footings shall be no less than forty-two inches (42") below grade unless otherwise permitted for floating slab construction.
         3.   Footings shall be reinforced where crossing or bearing on pipes, fill trenches, or other unstable ground/soil. Such reinforcing shall be designed, signed and sealed by an Illinois Licensed Design Professional.
         4.   Footing dimensions listed within are based upon soils of average bearing capacity of 3,000 lbs. per square foot. For soils of lesser bearing capacity or where unusual loading conditions exist, larger footings and reinforcement may be required. Such design shall be designed, signed and sealed by an Illinois Licensed Design Professional.
         5.   A soils report from a geotechnical engineer shall be required after excavation and prior to the placement of any footing concrete unless deemed not required by the Building Inspector.
         6.   Footing must be keyed a minimum of two inches (2") into undisturbed soil, or shall be interlocked to the soil by other approved methods.
         7.   Trench foundations shall be a minimum of ten inches (10") wide and shall be allowed for single story frame buildings only.
      37.   Figure R403.1(2) Permanent wood foundation basement wall section. Delete in its entirety.
      38.   Figure R403.1(3) Permanent wood foundation crawl space section. Delete in its entirety.
      39.   Section R403.1.3.2 Slabs-on-ground with turned-down footings. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section R403.1.3.2:
         Section R403.1.3.2 Grade beam/floating slab foundations. For wood frame construction only, detached accessory structures not intended for habitable occupancy, a grade beam/floating slab foundation design will be permitted. The foundation shall be a minimum of twelve inches (12") deep around the perimeter, a minimum of twelve inches (12") wide at the bottom of the trench, and beveled upwards at a forty-five degree (45°) angle to meet the bottom of a five inch (5") concrete floor slab. The foundation must be a minimum of six inches (6") above grade and shall have a minimum of one No. 5 bar at the top and bottom. Four inches (4") of crushed stone or equivalent shall be required as fill below the slab. The concrete slab shall be reinforced with 6 x 6 number ten (10) wire mesh which shall extend the entire width and length of the concrete and to the bottom of the foundation.
      40.   Section R403.1.4.1 Frost protection. Delete exception 3 in its entirety.
      41.   Section R403.2 Footings for wood foundations. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following Section R403.2:
         Section R403.2 Footings for walls, piers, posts and columns.
         1.   Provide a minimum of forty-two inch (42") frost protection.
         2.   Provide two inch by two inch (2" x 2") keyway in the top of the footing underneath the centerline of foundation walls.
         3.   Trench foundation shall be a minimum ten inches (10") wide and shall be allowed only for single story frame buildings.
         4.   For one (1) story dwellings, the minimum pier size shall be thirty inches by thirty inches by twelve inches (30" x 30" x 12"). For dwelling over one (1) story, the minimum pier size shall be thirty six inches by thirty six inches by fifteen inches (36" x 36" x 15"). In all cases, pier must be designed by an Illinois Licensed Design Professional to support all live and dead loads.
         5.   Pier foundations for roofed-in structures attached to the principal dwelling shall be designed, signed and sealed by an Illinois Licensed Design Professional. These structures shall be open or screened-in porches only.
         6.   Chimney footings for dwellings must have a minimum thickness of twelve inches (12"), with a minimum projection beyond the foundation wall of six inches (6") on each side.
         7.   Chimney footings must be poured integral with the wall footing when the chimney occurs in the outside wall or an interior bearing wall and must start at the level of the lowest adjacent wall footing.
         8.   All stoops, steps and platforms at egress areas must be supported by wing walls extending to the footing or a full frost protected foundation or other similar means acceptable to the Building Official.
      42.   Section R403.3 Frost protected shallow foundations. Delete in its entirety.
      43.   Section R404.1 Concrete and masonry foundation walls. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following Section R404.1:
         Section R404.1 Concrete foundation walls. Concrete foundation walls shall be selected and constructed in accordance with the provisions of this section or in accordance with the provisions of Section R404.1.3.
      44.   Section R404.1.1 Design Required. Delete the words "or masonry"
      45.   Section R404.1.2 Design of masonry foundation walls. Delete in its entirety.
      46.   Section R404.1.2.1 Masonry foundation walls. Delete in its entirety.
      47.   Section R404.1.3 Concrete foundation walls. Amend by adding the following new exception.
            Exception: In all cases concrete foundation walls shall be constructed as follows:
            a. Walls supporting wood frame construction shall be a minimum of ten inches (10") in thickness.
            b. Walls supporting masonry chimneys shall be a minimum of twelve inches (12") in thickness.
      48.   Section R404.2 Wood foundation walls. Delete in its entirety.
      49.   Section R405.1 Concrete or masonry foundations. Amend the last sentence by deleting the dimension of six inches (6") and in lieu thereof adding the dimension of ten inches (10").
      50.   Section R405.1 Concrete or masonry foundations. Amend by deleting the Exception.
      51.   Section R405.1 Concrete or masonry foundations. Amend by adding the following new Section R405.1.2:
         Section R405.1.2 Sump pump discharge. Sump pumps must discharge a minimum of three feet (3') from the foundation walls. Discharge must conform to the approved grading plan and in no case shall be extended closer than ten feet (10') from the rear or side property lines. Regardless of the permitted location, distance notwithstanding, the discharge may not cause a nuisance or hazard to neighboring properties or public right-of-ways.
         Where the sump pump discharge is installed underground, the installation shall be approved by the Village Civil Engineer. Said discharge shall be through a minimum four inch (4") perforated pipe incased within a minimum of twelve inch (12") clean gravel (no fines).
      52.   Section R405.2 Wood foundations. Delete in its entirety.
      53.   Section R406.3 Dampproofing for wood foundations. Delete in its entirety.
      54.   Section R408 UNDER-FLOOR SPACE. Amend by adding the following new Section R408.8:
         Section R408.8 Covering. In crawl spaces, the soil shall be leveled, covered with four inches (4") of clean gravel and continuous Class I vapor retarder in accordance with the International Building Code. All joints of the vapor retarder shall overlap by six inches (6") and shall be sealed or taped. The edges of the vapor retarder shall extend at least six inches (6") up the foundation wall and shall be attached to the foundation wall. The vapor retarder shall then be covered with a minimum of a two inch (2") screed coat of concrete.
         Crawlspaces floors shall be no less than thirty inches (30") below the bottom of floor joists and girders.
      55.   Section R408.4 Access. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section R408.4:
         Section R408.4 Access. Provide an access opening to all under-floor spaces of not less than twenty-four inches by twenty-four inches (24" x 24"). Through wall access openings shall not be located under a door to the residence. See Section M1305.1.4 for access requirements where mechanical equipment is located under floors.
      56.   Section R502.4 Joists under bearing partitions. Amend by adding the following new Section R502.4.1:
         Section R502.4.1 Joists below bathtubs. The number of joists which support and run parallel to the length of a bathtub shall be doubled.
      58.   Section R506.1 General. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section R506.1.
         Section R506.1 Concrete slab-on-ground floors, other than garage floors, shall be a minimum four inches (4") thick. Garage floor slabs are required to be a minimum of five inch (5") thick, concrete slab shall be reinforced with 6 x 6 number ten (10) wire mesh which shall extend the entire width and length of the concrete. For expansive soils, see Section R403.1.8. The specified compressive strength of concrete shall be as set forth in Section R402.2. On attached garages where an overdig exists for foundation footings, excavation must be backfilled with washed stone or a cohesive soil compacted in eight inch (8") lifts.
      59.   Table R507.4 Deck Post Height. Replace the values in the Table with new Table R507.4:
Deck Post Size
Maximum Heighta,b
4 X 4
4 X 6
6 X 6
8 X 8
            a.    Measured to the underside of the beam
            b.    Based on 40 psf live load
            c.    Measured to the top of the finished deck floor.
      60.   Section R507.3.2 Minimum Depth. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section R507.3.2.
         Section R507.3.2 Minimum Depth. Minimum dimension for all post holes shall be forty two inches (42") in depth below grade, extending a minimum of four to six inches (4 - 6") above grade, and formed in a prefabricated tube (Sono tube or the like)
      61.   Section R801.3 Roof drainage. Amend by adding the following Section R801.3.1.
         Section R801.3.1 Gutters and downspouts. All structures over one hundred fifty (150) square feet in area shall be provided with gutters and downspouts along all roof edges located parallel to the grade below unless omission is specifically permitted by the Building Inspector. Downspouts must discharge to a splash block or other approved means of dispersement, and such discharge shall be made away from the building in accordance with the approved grading plans, and shall not cause a nuisance or damage to neighboring properties. Discharge must conform to the approved grading plan and in no case shall be extended closer than 10 feet (10') from the rear or side property lines. Regardless of the permitted location, distance notwithstanding, the discharge may not cause a nuisance or hazard to neighboring properties or public right-of-ways.
      62.   Section R1004 FACTORY-BUILT FIREPLACES. Amend by adding the following new Section R1004.6:
         Section R1004.6 Fireplace chimney enclosures. All exposed exterior chimney sections for fireplaces, wood burning stoves and similarly appliances, shall be enclosed in a chimney chase which provides for proper clearances per manufacturer's requirements and is constructed of masonry or approved materials consistent with the construction of the existing structure.
      63.   Section N1101.1 Scope. Delete Chapter 11 in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section N1101.1
         Section N1101.1 Compliance. All structures shall be designed and built in accordance with the Illinois Energy Conservation Code - Latest Edition. Additionally, in all cases verification of envelope compliance shall be achieved by the submittal of a completed REScheck Envelope Compliance Certificate.
      64.   Section M1601.1.1 Above-ground duct systems. Delete item number 5 in its entirety.
      65.   Section M1601.1.1 Above-ground duct systems. Delete item number 7 in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new item number 7:
         7.   Stud wall cavities and the spaces between floor joists shall not be utilized as air plenums. All air plenums shall be in approved and listed ducts.
      66.   Section M1601.1.1 Above-ground duct systems. Amend by adding the following new item number 9:
         9.   The maximum length of flexible air ducts and flexible connectors shall not exceed six feet (6').
      67.   Section M1601.1.2 Underground duct systems. Delete in its entirety.
      68.   Section G2414.1 General. Amend by adding the following new Section G2414.1.1:
         Section G2414.1.1 Interior fuel gas piping materials. All interior gas supply and distribution piping shall be black iron. Copper pipe and flexible pipe shall be used for appliance hookup only when a flexible connection is absolutely required. No flexible appliance connection piping may pass through any wall or ceiling assembly.
      69.   Section G2445.2 Prohibited use. Amend by adding the following Section G2445.2.1:
         Section G2445.2.1 Approval. Unvented appliances, including unvented fireplaces, shall be allowed only by special permission of the Building official. A 110 volt carbon monoxide detector with battery back-up power shall be installed in all rooms with unvented gas-fired appliances such as room heaters, log heaters and fire places.
      70.   CHAPTER 25 PLUMBING ADMINISTRATION. Delete in its entirety.
      71.   CHAPTER 26 GENERAL PLUMBING REQUIREMENTS. Delete in its entirety.
      72.   CHAPTER 27 PLUMBING FIXTURES. Delete in its entirety.
      73.   CHAPTER 28 WATER HEATERS. Delete in its entirety.
      74.   Section P2904.1 General. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section P2904.1:
         Section P2904.1 General. Where required, limited area fire sprinkler systems shall be installed in accordance with this Section, the 2018 International Building Code, Section 903.3.8. and the Illinois Plumbing Code as Adopted and Amended by the Village of Willowbrook.
      75.   Section P2904.1.1 Required sprinkler locations. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section P2904.1.1:
         Section P2904.1.1 Required sprinkler locations. Automatic sprinkler heads shall be placed in all rooms housing gas-fired mechanical appliances such as furnaces, boilers and water heaters and like appliances so as to provide coverage to all areas within ten feet (10') of any part of the gas-fired appliances. Branch supply pipe to the sprinkler head shall not have a developed length of more than twenty four inches (24") beyond the point of the tap.
      76.   Section P2904 DWELLING UNIT FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS. Amend by adding the following new Section:
         P2904.1.2 Protection of Domestic water supply. Where a limited area fire sprinkler system is installed, a single check backflow prevention device shall be provided directly after the water meter, in accordance with the Illinois Plumbing Code as Adopted and Amended by the Village of Willowbrook.
      77.   CHAPTER 30 SANITARY DRAINAGE. Delete in its entirety.
      78.   CHAPTER 31 VENTS. Delete in its entirety.
      79.   CHAPTER 32 TRAPS. Delete in its entirety.
      80.   Section P3302.1 Subsoil drains. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section P3302.1:
         Section P3302.1 Subsoil drains. Subsoil drains (drain tile) shall be perforated plastic pipe approved for the use not less than 4" in diameter. Subsoil drains shall discharge to an approved sump pit or other approved location. The subsoil sump pit shall extend a minimum of 2" above the finished interior floor, and shall be located no less than 10' horizontally from a sanitary ejector pit.
      81.   Section P3303.1.2 Sump pit. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section P3303.1.2:
         Section P3303.1.2 Sump pit. The sump pit shall not be less than 18" in diameter and 24" deep unless otherwise approved. The pit shall be accessible and located so that all drainage flows into the pit by gravity. The sump pit shall be constructed fully of formed plastic or other approved material, with a removable cover adequate to support anticipated loads in the area of use.
      82.   Section P3303.1.3 Electrical. Delete in its entirety.
      83.   Section P3303.1.4 Piping. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section P3303.1.4:
         Section P3303.1.4 Piping. Discharge piping shall include an accessible full flow check valve. Piping and fittings shall be the same size as, or larger than, pump discharge tapping.
      84.   CHAPTER 34 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. Delete in its entirety.
      85.   CHAPTER 35 ELECTRICAL DEFINITIONS. Delete in its entirety.
      86.   CHAPTER 36 SERVICES. Delete in its entirety.
      87.   CHAPTER 37 BRANCH CIRCUIT AND FEEDER REQUIREMENTS. Delete in its entirety.
      88.   CHAPTER 38 WIRING METHODS. Delete in its entirety.
      89.   CHAPTER 39 POWER AND LIGHTING DISTRIBUTION. Delete in its entirety.
      90.   CHAPTER 40 DEVICES AND LUMINAIRES. Delete in its entirety.
      91.   CHAPTER 41 APPLIANCE INSTALLATION. Delete in its entirety.
      92.   Section E4203.7 Underground Wiring. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new Section E4203.7.
         Section E4203.7 Underground Wiring. Underground wiring shall not be installed under or within the area extending ten feet (10') horizontally from the inside walls of pools and outdoor hot tubs and spas except where the wiring is installed to supply pool, spa or hot tub equipment or where space limitations prevent wiring from being routed 10 feet or more horizontally from the inside walls. Where installed within 10 feet of the inside walls, the wiring method shall be a nonmetallic raceway system. The minimum raceway burial depth shall be in accordance with Table E4203.7.
(Ord. 19-O-10, 6-24-2019)