(A)   Ordinance Adopted: There is hereby adopted by reference as if fully set out herein that certain ordinance known as the DuPage County Countywide Stormwater and Floodplain Ordinance as adopted and published by the County of DuPage, State of Illinois, on May 14, 2019 and effective May 28, 2019, together with the additions, insertions, deletions and changes hereinafter set forth, three (3) copies of which have been on file for a period of more than thirty (30) days prior to the adoption hereof and now are on file in the Office of the Village Clerk.
   (B)   Amendments: The following additions, insertions, deletions and changes are hereby made to the DuPage County Countywide Stormwater and Floodplain Ordinance adopted by the DuPage County Board May 14, 2019:
      1.   Section 15-28.A - Amend by deleting the words "one foot above" and in lieu thereof insert the words "three feet above".
      2.   Section 15-28.B - Amend by deleting the words "one foot above" and in lieu thereof insert the words "three feet above".
      3.   Section 15-71.A - Amend by adding the sentence "Minor stormwater systems shall be designed to carry the 10-year storm."
      4.   Section 15-71.E - Amend by adding thereto the following additional language... "In addition, the centerline of the roadway shall be elevated above the flood elevation of fifty year rainfall event (0.02 probabilities in any year)."
      5.   Section 15-72.D.4 - Delete section 15-72D.4 in its entirety and substitute the following:
         "For purposes of calculating the required volume, a control structure shall be assumed that limits the peak runoff from the site to 0.10 cfs/acre for the disturbed area, however that for all developments that are tributary to: (a) the 59th Street storm sewer between Cass Avenue and Holmes Avenue, the maximum release rate shall be 0.07 cfs/acre, (b) Executive Plaza, the maximum release rate shall be 0.04 cfs/acre, (c) Lake Willoway, the maximum release rate shall be 0.06 cfs/acre, and (d) the 63rd Street storm sewer between Richmond Avenue and Illinois Route 83, the maximum release rate shall be 0.03 cfs/acre.
      6.   Section 15-73 - Amend by adding thereto the following additional language:
         •    15-73.E Storage facilities shall not be located on public or private streets.
         •    15-73F Storage depths on parking lots shall not exceed one foot (1') and no storage shall be allowed in required fire lanes, primary aisles, or handicapped accessible parking stalls and routes."
      7.   Section 15-73.A.1 - Amend by adding the sentence "If a lower release rate is specified in 15-72.D.4, that rate shall be used for the design of the control structure."
      8.   Section 15-90.H - Amend by deleting the words "one foot" and in lieu insert the words "three feet"
      9.   Section 15-98 - Amend by adding Section 15-98.C.1 that states, "The Village of Willowbrook shall receive all Post Construction BMP Fee-in-Lieu payments and shall manage, account for, and expend the funds in accordance with Section 15-98.B of this Ordinance.
      10.   Appendix A - Amend the definition of Flood Protection Elevation (FPE) by deleting the words "one foot" and inserting the words "three feet."
      11.   All General Certifications as adopted by the DuPage County Board, and as amended and added to from time to time, are hereby adopted.
(Ord. 19-O-10, 6-24-2019)