9-11-16: “R” DEFINITIONS:
Facilities for basic and applied laboratory research or experimental study, testing or analysis in the natural sciences, including educational activities incidental or accessory to such research. The term "research and development" shall include, but not be limited to, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, genetics, plastics, polymers, resins, coatings, fibers, fabrics, films, heat transfers, and radiation research, but not facilities for the manufacture or sale of products, except those incidental to research activities.
A retail establishment that is kept, used, maintained, advertised, and held out to the public as a place where meals are cooked and prepared in an adequate and sanitary kitchen located on the licensed premises using stoves, ovens, fryers, and related equipment located on the licensed premises and which are protected by a fire protection system that conforms with the Village Code. The sale of packaged food such as potato chips, pretzels, popcorn, peanuts, or other similar snacks or frozen packaged food shall not be considered food prepared and served on premises, as required herein.
The sale of any product or merchandise to customers for their own personal consumption or use, not for resale.
Either the peak line of the roof or the top of the parapet, whichever forms the top line of the building silhouette; and where a building has several roof levels, this roof or parapet shall be the one belonging to that portion of the building on whose wall the sign is located.
The waters derived from melting snow or rain falling within a tributary drainage basin that exceed the infiltration capacity of the soils of that basin. (Ord. 23-0-05, 1-23-2023)