(A)   Insurance: All general contractors who use the streets or other public property shall file with the Village, prior to the issuance of a building permit, a Certificate of Insurance with coverages as follows:
      1.   Public liability insurance for each person in the sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) and for each accident in the sum of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00).
      2.   Property damage insurance in the amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) limited to not less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) for each accident.
   (B)   Occupation Of Streets, Sidewalks And Parkways: Streets, parkways or sidewalks shall not be occupied with building materials prior to the issuance of a building permit unless permission is obtained from the building official of his/her designee. In no event shall public property other than that immediately in front of the lot or land upon which the work is being done be occupied, nor shall more than one-third (1/3) of the streets, from curb line to curb line, be occupied unless permission is obtained from the building official of his/her designee. No materials shall be so placed as to render inaccessible any fire hydrant, valve chamber, manhole or catch basin, or obstruct the gutter or waterway of any street.
   (C)   Bypass Walk: Before any sidewalk is obstructed by scaffolding or other material, or is removed, a safe hard surfaced temporary bypass walk shall be constructed and maintained. Pedestrians shall be protected from vehicular traffic by a barricade or fence. During overhead construction, pedestrians shall further be protected from falling debris by solid overhead planking.
   (D)   Barricades Or Fencing Required: Any person, using public property for temporary storage of construction materials shall provide substantial and suitable barricades or fencing and shall provide, place and maintain proper and sufficient amber lights or flares to guard and protect all traffic and passersby.
   (E)   Damage To Barricading: It shall be unlawful to move, remove, turn off, extinguish, diminish or disturb any light or barricade required by subsection (D) of this section.
   (F)   Mortar Beds: Mortar beds or boxes shall be so placed and guarded as to protect the clothing of persons passing, and shall not be located upon any street or public way unless enclosed with a tight fence. Mortar beds or boxes shall not be placed upon any public walk, and no mortar shall be mixed upon any pavement surface or sidewalk surface.
   (G)   Material On Public Property: As soon as construction work is completed, all remaining material shall be promptly removed from public property and the streets and sidewalks shall be cleared and put in the same condition as before the construction work was started. Overnight storage on the streets or sidewalks shall be subject to the specific approval of the building official or his/her designee.
   (H)   Removal Of Rubbish, Public Property: Rubbish or excavated material which is deposited on the sidewalks or streets shall be removed from day to day, as rapidly as produced. When materials or rubbish causing dust are handled, they must be well wetted down. The person to whom the permit has been issued is responsible for the removal of all rubbish and debris.
   (I)   Removal Of Rubbish, Private Property: Rubbish or materials shall not be thrown, dropped or swept from any floor above the ground or from any roof, but shall either be carried or lowered in such a manner as not to cause dust, or a nuisance.
   (J)   Public Inconvenience: All building operations shall be conducted in a manner that least inconveniences the public and abutting property owners.
   (K)   Protection Of Passersby: Where during construction an excavation or other hazard exists, the contractor shall provide and maintain a barricade or fence for the protection of passersby.
   (L)   Protection Of Construction Site: During construction, excavation or when other work-related hazards exist, the contractor shall provide and maintain barricades and fencing around the entire site for the protection of pedestrians throughout the entire construction period.
   (M)   Construction Site Maintenance: The person to whom the permit has been issued will be required to install on all new construction sites a gravel or other suitable access road to and from the project or construction site prior to the initiation of any excavation work. The location and construction specifications of this access road shall be approved by the Municipal Services Department prior to the initiation of any excavation work.
   (N)   Portable Toilet Facilities Required: All new construction sites will be required to provide temporary washroom facilities during construction. Said temporary washroom facilities shall be located entirely on the construction site and are not permitted to be located on adjoining private property or within any public right-of-way or easement.
   (O)   Performance Bond: Prior to the issuance of any building permit (including permits required elsewhere in this Code for work performed in conjunction with the water system of the Village), a cash bond shall be deposited with the Village to indemnify the Village against damage to, secure the proper installation of and/or secure the restoration of any and all public property and/or improvements, including, but not by way of limitation, streets, curbs, sidewalks and/or parkways. Said cash bond shall be in the following amounts:
Type Of Excavation
Bond Amount
Type Of Excavation
Bond Amount
Water tap - short side (single excavation)
Water tap - long side (double excavation)
Sanitary tap (single excavation)
Sanitary tap - long side (double excavation)
Water main project (excavation within entire right-of-way)
$3,500.00 per property fronting the excavation
Sewer main project (excavation within entire right-of-way)
$3,500.00 per property fronting the excavation
Open cut road crossing (requires trench backfill - 6 inches bituminous aggregate mix (BAM) - 1 1/2 inches bituminous surface)
Culvert replacement (for new construction and additions, replacement of damaged culverts)
Right-of-way landscaping (for new construction areas and/or additions)
All installation, repair and/or restoration of public property and/or improvements shall be in accordance with the instructions of and within the time period(s) established by the building official or his/her designee. In the event that installation, repair and/or restoration is not satisfactorily completed as directed by the building official or his/her designee, the Village shall have the right, but not the obligation, to forfeit said cash bond to cause such installation, repair and/or restoration.
   (P)   Bond Refund: Upon the final completion of all the work under the permit, so much of such deposit as is necessary to reimburse the Village for the repair and/or restoration of the damaged streets, curbs, sidewalks or parkways shall be retained by the Village and the remainder shall be returned to the depositor; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall preclude the Village from maintaining an action against any person or persons to recover for damage done to any street, sidewalk or parkway.
   (Q)   Sewer And Plumbing Contractors:
      1.   Every person, firm or corporation desiring to engage in the business of completing any sewer and/or plumbing installation in the Village shall execute and file with the Village a surety company bond payable to the Village in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), conditioned that the applicant shall faithfully observe all of the ordinances and other regulations of the Village relating to sewer and/or plumbing installations.
      2.   Each plumbing contractor, and sewer contractor, shall be subject to the insurance requirements previously set forth in subsection (A) of this section.
      3.   Each plumbing contractor must be licensed in accordance with State Statute.
   (R)   Electrical Contractors: Every person, firm or corporation desiring to engage in the business of making electrical installations in the Village shall execute and file with the Village a surety company bond, payable to the Village in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) conditioned that the applicant shall faithfully observe all the ordinances and other regulations of the Village relating to electrical installations. All electrical contractors must be licensed in a municipality in Illinois and provide evidence that such registration is in good standing.
   (S)   Contractors, Existing Violations: The Village shall not be required to issue a building permit to any contractor or subcontractor responsible for existing Code violations until such work has been corrected. (Ord. 19-O-10, 6-24-2019)