The following words and phrases as used in this title shall have the following meanings unless a different meaning is required by the context. Where terms are not defined herein and are defined elsewhere in this Code, they shall have the meanings as so defined.
ACCEPTED ENGINEERING PRACTICE: That which conforms to accepted principles, tests or standards of nationally recognized technical or scientific authorities.
ACCESSIBLE: Refers to any opening in the exterior of a building larger than eight inches by twelve inches (8" x 12"); (e.g., door, window, transom, vent, duct, skylight, etc.) that is within either: a) eighteen feet (18') of the ground or the roof of an adjoining structure; b) fourteen feet (14') of any window, fire escape or ledge; or c) four feet (4') of another opening larger than eight inches by twelve inches (8" x 12"), a fire escape or a ledge in or projecting from the same wall as such opening or an adjacent wall, and leading to another building or structure.
ALCOVE: A recess adjoining and connecting with a larger room, with an unobstructed opening into such room.
ALTERATION: A change in size, shape, character or use of a structure or a change or rearrangement in the structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing or egress systems of a building or structure.
APPROVED: "Approved", as applied to a material, device or method of construction, shall mean approved by the building official under the provisions of this chapter, or approved by some other authority designated by law to give approval in the matter in question.
APPROVED RULES: The legally adopted rules of the building official or of a recognized authoritative agency.
AREA: The maximum horizontal projected area of the building or structure at or above grade.
AREAWAY: An uncovered subsurface space adjacent to a building.
ATTIC: The space between the ceiling joists of the top habitable story and the roof rafters.
ATTIC, HABITABLE: An attic that has a stairway as a means of access and egress and in which at least fifty percent (50%) of the required area has a ceiling height of at least seven feet six inches (7'6").
AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER: Equipment, comprising a system of pipes with orifices, all adequately sized, to apply water automatically to fire.
BASE FLOOD: The flood having a one percent (1%) probability of being equaled or exceeded in a given year.
BASEMENT: A portion of a building located partly underground, but having not less than one-half (1/2) its clear floor to ceiling height below the average grade of the adjoining ground.
BASEMENT ROOM: Any room in a building where the average finished grade along the outside wall of said room is more than three feet (3') above the floor of said room.
BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES: Design, construction and maintenance practices and criteria for stormwater facilities that minimize the impact of stormwater runoff rates and volume, prevent erosion and capture pollutants.
BUILDING: Anything constructed for shelter or enclosure of persons, animals or chattels of any kind and which is permanently affixed to the land.
BUILDING, ACCESSORY: A subordinate building or portion of a principal building, the use of which is incidental to that of the principal building and customary in connection with that use.
BUILDING, COMPLETELY ENCLOSED: A building separated on all sides from the adjacent open space or from other buildings or other structures, by a permanent roof and behind exterior walls or party walls, pierced only by windows and normal entrance or exit doors.
BUILDING, EXISTING: A building erected prior to the adoption of this chapter, or one for which a legal building permit has been issued.
BUILDING HEIGHT: The height in feet shall be taken as the vertical distance from the average grade adjacent to the building to the highest point of the building. In determining height, parapet walls not exceeding three feet (3') in height from the roof surface, penthouse, attics, roof tanks, bulkheads, chimneys and similar roof structures shall not be included unless the aggregate area of such structures exceeds one-third (1/3) of the area of the roof of the building.
BUILDING LINE: The setback or yard line, established by law, beyond which a building shall not be built or extend.
BUILDING OFFICIAL: The officer which is hereby authorized and it is his duty to administer and enforce the provisions of the Building Code, making such determinations, interpretations and orders as are necessary therefor, and requiring such plats, plans and other descriptive material in connection with applications for permits as are necessary for him to judge compliance with this title. The building official of the Village of Willowbrook, DuPage County, Illinois.
BUILDING PERMIT: A permit issued by the Village for construction, erection or alteration of a structure or building.
BUILDING, PRINCIPAL: A nonaccessory building in which the principal use of the lot on which it is located is conducted.
BUILDING SERVICE EQUIPMENT: The mechanical, electrical or elevator equipment, including piping, wiring, fixtures and other accessories which provide sanitation, lighting, heating, ventilation, firefighting and transportation facilities essential for the habitable occupancy of the building or structure for its designated use and occupancy.
BURGLARY RESISTANT GLAZING MATERIAL: Glass and glasslike materials which comply with or exceed the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., or another approved testing agency, standard for burglary resistant glazing materials as follows: withstand the impact of a five (5) pound steel ball dropped from a height of ten feet (10') concentrated within a five inch (5") diameter area of the surface without release from the frame.
CLOMA: A conditional letter of map amendment. A FEMA comment letter on a development proposed to be located in, and affecting only that portion of the area of a floodplain outside the regulatory floodway and having no impact on the existing regulatory floodway or base flood elevations.
CLOMR: A conditional letter of map revision. A letter that indicates that FEMA will revise base flood elevations, flood insurance rate zones, flood boundaries, or floodways as shown on an effective FIRM or FBFM, after the record drawings are submitted and approved.
CEILING: The overhead inside finish of a room; the surface of the room opposite the floor.
CEILING HEIGHT: The clear vertical distance from the finished floor to the finished ceiling.
CELLAR: The portion of a building located partly or wholly underground and having half or more than half of its clear floor to ceiling height below the average grade of the adjoining ground. In dwellings, it shall not be used as sleeping quarters or for the preparation of food, except in single-family detached residences which meet the emergency egress, ceiling height, light and ventilation requirements of the Building Code.
CENTRAL HEATING SYSTEM: A system supplying heat to one or more dwelling units or more than one room.
CERTIFICATE OF ELEVATION: The Federal Emergency Management Agency National Floodplain Insurance Program Certificate of Elevation.
CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: The certificate issued by the Village permitting the occupation and use of a building in accordance with the approved plans and specifications which certifies compliance with the provisions of law for the use and occupancy of the building in its several parts together with any special stipulations or conditions of the building permit. (Also referred to in this code as an "occupancy permit".)
CHANGE OF USE: The alteration of the use of a building or structure to a new use which imposes other special provisions of law governing building construction, equipment or exits.
CHASE: A vertical penetration in a wall provided to accommodate piping, conduit or ducts.
CHIMNEY: A primarily vertical enclosure containing one or more flues.
COMBINATION DEAD LATCH AND DEAD BOLT: A device combining a dead latch operable by knobs from inside and outside by a key, both of which can be retracted from the inside by turning the knob from the outside by a key.
COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL: A combustible material is a material which cannot be classified as noncombustible in accordance with that definition.
COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS: Any building which is not defined as a dwelling.
COMPENSATORY STORAGE: An excavated hydrologically and hydraulically equivalent volume of storage created to offset the loss of existing flood storage.
CONTRACTOR: A person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of construction, altering, moving, demolishing buildings, structures and/or parts thereof, or in work incidental to the above operations, either for himself or for others.
CORPORATE COUNSEL: Whenever used in this code, it shall mean the legal counsel for the Village of Willowbrook.
COURT: An open unoccupied space, other than a yard, on the same lot with a building or group of buildings, and which is bounded on two (2) or more sides by such building or buildings.
COURT, INNER: Any court enclosed wholly by buildings, walls or other enclosing devices.
COURT, OUTER: A court extending to and opening upon a street, public alley, or other approved open space, not less than fifteen feet (15') (4572 mm) wide, or upon a required yard.
CRITICAL WETLANDS: Wetlands of the highest value by virtue of one or more high ranking characteristics that result in a uniquely valuable environment.
CYLINDER GUARD: A hardened steel ring or plate surrounding the otherwise exposed portion of a cylinder lock to prevent cutting, prying, pulling or wrenching with common tools.
DEAD BOLT: A bolt which has no automatic spring action and which is operated by a key, thumb turn or lever and is positively held fast in the protected position.
DEAD LATCH: A latch which is positively held in latched position with a strike by an added integral bolt-type mechanism and is released by a key from the outside and a knob or similar actuator from the inside.
DEPRESSIONAL STORAGE: The existing volume of storage available under the base flood elevation that may be contained in low lying areas that have no drainage outlet.
DEVELOPMENT: Any manmade change to improved or unimproved real estate, including, but not limited to, construction of or substantial improvements to buildings or other structures, the placement of mobile homes, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations.
DILAPIDATED: Fallen into ruin, decay or disrepair.
DOOR SCOPE: A system of lenses encased for convenient installation in entrance doors permitting an inside viewer to observe a one hundred eighty degree (180°) area of the outside with the door closed.
DORMITORY: A room occupied by more than two (2) guests.
DOUBLE CYLINDER DEAD BOLT: A dead bolt lock actuated by a key from the inside and outside.
DWELLING: A building or portion thereof designed or used for residential purposes, including single- and multiple-family uses, but not including house trailers, mobile homes or lodging rooms in hotels, motels or lodging houses, dormitories, or any facility where people are being detained involuntarily or for medical or other care or treatment.
DWELLING, MULTIPLE DWELLING: A residential building designed and built as a group of individual dwelling units, each for a single-family, but which units may touch each other by virtue of common or party walls and/or floors and ceilings, and which contain two (2) or more dwelling units.
DWELLING, SINGLE-FAMILY ATTACHED: A residential building designed and built as a dwelling unit for one family, but which may touch another single-family dwelling on one or more sides, with or without party walls, but which is located as the only dwelling unit on a single specific lot or parcel of ground.
DWELLING, SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED: A residential building which is entirely surrounded by open space on the same lot.
DWELLING UNIT: A group of rooms constituting all or part of a dwelling, which are arranged, designed, used or intended for use exclusively as living quarters for one family, and which includes cooking facilities.
EFFICIENCY LIVING UNIT: Any room having cooking facilities used for combined living, dining and sleeping purposes.
ELEVATION CERTIFICATES: A form published by FEMA, or its equivalent, that is used to certify the base flood elevation and the lowest elevation of usable space to which a building has been constructed.
EXIT: That portion of a means of egress which is separated from all other spaces of a building or structure by construction or equipment as required in this chapter to provide a protected way of travel to the exit discharge.
EXTERIOR PROPERTY AREA: The open space on the premises and on adjoining property under the control of owners or operators of such premises.
EXTERMINATION: The control and elimination of insects, rodents, or other pests by eliminating their harborage places; by removing or making inaccessible materials that may serve as their food; by poison, spraying, fumigating, trapping or by any other approved pest elimination methods.
FBFM: A flood boundary and floodway map. A floodplain management map issued by FEMA that depicts, based on detailed analysis, the boundaries of the base flood, the two-tenths percent (0.2%) probability flood, and the floodway.
FEMA: The Federal Emergency Management Agency.
FHBM: A flood hazard boundary map. An official map of a community issued by FEMA, on which the boundaries of the flood, mudslide or mudflow, or related erosion areas having special hazards have been designated as Zones A, M, and/or E.
FIRM: A flood insurance rate map. A map issued by FEMA that is an official community map, in which map FEMA has delineated both the special hazard areas and the risk premium zones applicable to the community. This map may or may not depict floodways.
FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACE: Prefabricated unit and all parts used to assemble the unit, including the fire box and flue.
FAMILY: One or more persons as related to the other by blood, marriage, guardianship or adoption, or a group of not more than three (3) persons not so related, together with his or her domestic servants, maintaining a common household in a dwelling unit, or a group of not more than six (6) handicapped individuals, as defined in title VIII of the United States Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended, together with their domestic servants and attendants, maintaining a common nonprofit household in a dwelling unit.
FIRE RETARDANT TREATED WOOD: Wood treated to be fire retardant and approved by a certified testing laboratory as meeting the requirements of ASTM E-84.
FLOOD: Flood or flooding. A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from the unusual and rapid accumulation of runoff of surface waters from any source.
FLOOD PROTECTION ELEVATION: The elevation to which uses regulated in this title are required to be elevated or floodproofed.
FLOODPLAIN: The area typically adjacent to and including a body of water where ground surface elevations are at or below a specified flood elevation.
FLOODPROOF: Additions, changes, or adjustments to structures or property that prevent the entry of floodwater in order to protect property from flood damage.
FLOODPROOFING CERTIFICATE: A form published by FEMA that is used to certify that a structure is floodproofed to one foot (1') above the base flood elevation.
FLOODWAY: The channel and that portion of the floodplain adjacent to a stream or watercourse that is needed to convey the base flood.
FLOOR: The inside bottom finish of a room.
FLOOR AREA: The "floor area" of a building or buildings shall be the sum of the gross horizontal areas of the several floors of such building or buildings measured from the exterior face of exterior walls, or from the centerline of party walls separating two (2) buildings, without deduction for hallways, stairs, closets, thickness of walls or columns. In particular, "floor area" shall include:
   (A)   A basement or cellar having more than four feet (4') in height above adjacent grade around fifty percent (50%) or more of the basement or cellar perimeter.
   (B)   In the case of a basement or cellar not fitting the description of subsection (A) of this definition, but having normal direct access to the outside not through another floor (walk-out basements), one-half (1/2) of the basement or cellar area shall be included.
   (C)   An attic, the space between the ceiling beams of the top story and the roof rafters, which has a fixed stairway as a means of access and a height of seven feet (7') or more above the attic floor.
   (D)   Interior balconies and mezzanines.
   (E)   Enclosed porches and sun rooms.
   (F)   Roofed-over decks, patios, porches, carports and stairs.
   (G)   Elevator shafts and stairwells at each floor.
   (H)   Floor space used for mechanical equipment; except equipment, open or enclosed located on the roof (i.e., bulkheads, water tanks and cooling towers).
FLOOR AREA RATIO: The numerical value obtained by dividing the floor area within a building or buildings by the area of such lot or parcel of land on which the building or buildings are located. (The floor area ratio as designated for each district, when multiplied by the lot or parcel area in square feet, shall determine the maximum permissible floor area for the building or buildings on the lot or parcel of land on which the building or buildings are located.)
FLUE: An approved enclosed passageway used for the removal of the products of combustion.
GARAGE, PRIVATE: An accessory building or an accessory portion of the principal building, including a carport, which is intended for and used to store the private vehicles of the family resident upon the premises, and in which no business, service or industry connected directly or indirectly with automotive vehicles is carried on.
GARAGE, PUBLIC: A building or structure for the storage or parking of more than four (4) passenger motor vehicles or motor powered boats, or more than one commercial motor vehicle.
GARBAGE: The animal or vegetable waste resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of food.
GRADE: (A) For buildings adjoining one street only, the elevation of the established curb at the center of the wall adjoining the street.
   (B)   For buildings adjoining more than one street, the average of the elevations of the established curbs at the center of all walls adjoining streets.
   (C)   For buildings having no wall adjoining the street, the average level of the ground adjacent to the exterior walls of the building at exit locations. All walls approximately parallel to and not more than fifty feet (50') from a street are to be considered as adjoining the street.
GRADE HALLWAY, GRADE LOBBY, GRADE PASSAGEWAY: An enclosed hallway, exitway, or corridor connecting a required exit to a street or to an open space or court communicating with a street.
GRADING PLAN: A grading plan shall be submitted for all new construction showing in sufficient detail all elevations, contour lines, etc. Grading plans for single-family detached residences shall have a minimum scale of one inch equals twenty feet (1" = 20').
GUEST: Any person having the right to occupy a room for living or sleeping purposes.
GUEST ROOM: Any room or rooms used, or intended to be used by a guest for sleeping purposes.
HABITABLE FLOOR: Any floor used for living purposes, including a basement.
HABITABLE ROOM: A room used for living, sleeping, eating or cooking purposes, but excluding baths, toilet rooms, storage spaces, utility rooms and corridors.
HIGH WATER ELEVATION: The elevation of flood waters of the base flood at any given point.
HOME OCCUPATION: Any gainful occupation engaged in by the occupant of a dwelling at or from the dwelling.
HORIZONTAL SEPARATION: A permanent open space between the building wall under consideration and the nearest line to which a building is or may be legally built. Cornices and eaves projecting less than twelve inches (12"), belt courses, bay windows and window sills projecting less than four inches (4") and drop awnings shall not be considered in determining horizontal separation.
HOT WATER: Water at a temperature of not less than one hundred ten degrees Fahrenheit (110°F).
HOTEL (MOTEL): Any building containing fifty (50) or more guest rooms intended or designed to be used, or which are used, rented or hired out to be occupied, or which are occupied for sleeping purposes by guests, whether rent is paid in money, goods, labor or otherwise. It does not include any jail, hospital, asylum, sanitarium, orphanage, prison, detention home or other institution in which human beings are housed and detained under legal restraint.
INFESTATION: The presence within or around a dwelling, of any insects, rodents or other pests of such kind or in such numbers to cause a hazard to health or to be a nuisance.
INSERT: A hardened steel roller inside unhardened bolts to prevent bolt cutting with common tools.
KITCHEN: A room used, or designed to be used, for the preparation of foods.
LOMA: A Letter of Map Amendment. The official determination by FEMA that a specific structure is not in a regulatory floodplain. An LOMA amends the effective FHBM, FBFM or FIRM.
LOMR: A Letter of Map Revision. A letter from FEMA that revises base flood elevations, flood insurance rate zones, flood boundaries or floodways as shown on an effective FHBM, FBFM or FIRM.
LATCH: A spring-loaded device which automatically holds a swinging door shut upon closing by engaging a strike and which is released by turning a knob, lever or similar actuator from inside or outside.
LOAD, DEAD: The weight of all permanent structural and nonstructural components of a building, such as walls, floors, roofs, ceilings, stairways and fixed service equipment.
LOAD, LIVE: The weight superimposed by the use and occupancy of the building or structure not including the wind load, or dead load.
LOUVERS: A series of removable fixed, slated or movable slats. (Glass louvers is descriptive of jalousies. Glass, wood or metal jalousies are considered to be louvers. Awning windows having sections more than 12 inches in depth are not considered to be louvers.)
MASONRY: A built-up construction or combination or building units of such materials as clay, shale, concrete, glass, gypsum or stone set in mortar or plain concrete.
Hollow Masonry Unit: A masonry unit whose net cross- sectional area in every plane parallel to the bearing surface is not less than sixty percent (60%) of the gross cross- sectional area measured in the same place.
Masonry Of Hollow Units: Masonry consisting wholly or in part of hollow masonry units laid contiguously in mortar.
Solid Masonry: Masonry consisting of solid masonry units laid continuously in mortar, or consisting of plain concrete.
Solid Masonry Unit: A masonry unit whose net cross- sectional area in every plane parallel to the bearing surface is seventy five percent (75%) or more of its gross cross- sectional area measured in the same plane.
MINIMUM HABITABLE ROOM HEIGHT: A clear height from finished floor to finished ceiling of not less than seven feet (7') in the basement, cellar, upper stories, attic rooms and top half- stories over not less than one-half (1/2) the floor area when used for sleeping, study or similar activity.
MINIMUM HABITABLE ROOM SIZE: A room with a minimum dimension of ten feet (10') and minimum area of eighty (80) square feet between enclosing walls or partitions, exclusive of closet and storage spaces.
MOTOR FUEL SERVICE STATIONS: A structure, building, or premises or any portion thereof where a flammable fluid is stored, housed or sold for supply to motor vehicles.
MOTOR VEHICLE REPAIR SHOP: A building, structure or enclosure in which the general business of repairing motor vehicles is conducted, including a public garage.
MULTIPLE POINT LOCKS: A system of lever-operated bolts that engage a door opening, at least at the head and sill, operated by a single knob or handled from the inside and optionally a cylinder locked handle from the outside.
MUNICIPALITY: Whenever used in this Code, it shall mean the Village of Willowbrook.
NFIP: The National Flood Insurance Program. The requirements of the NFIP are codified in title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
NONCOMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL: Materials that are approved by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., or another approved testing agency, for their noncombustible nature and do not serve as a source of contribution to a fire.
NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE: A structure lawfully established which:
   (A)   Does not comply with all the regulations of this title governing the bulk of structures located within any given district; or
   (B)   Is designed or intended for a nonconforming use.
NONCONFORMING USE: A structure and the use thereof or the use of land that does not comply with the regulations of this title or title 9 of this Code governing use in the district in which it is located, but which conformed with all of the codes, ordinances and other legal requirements applicable at the time such structure was erected, enlarged or altered, and the use thereof or the use of land was established.
OCCUPANT: Any person in an area or room, for purposes of living, sleeping, working, visiting, entertainment, schooling, health or otherwise.
OCCUPANT LOAD: The total number of persons that are permitted to occupy a building, or portion thereof, at any one time.
OCCUPIED SPACE: The total area of all buildings or structures on any lot or parcel of ground projected on a horizontal plane excluding permitted projections as allowed by this chapter.
OPERABLE AREA: The part of a window or door which is available for unobstructed ventilation and which opens directly to the outdoors.
OPERATOR: Any person having charge, care, management, or control of any dwelling or part of it, in which dwelling units or rooming units are let.
OWNER: Any person who, alone, jointly or severally with others, holds legal or equitable title to any dwelling, rooming house, dwelling unit or rooming unit.
PARTITION: A vertical separating construction between rooms or spaces.
PARTITION, BEARING: A partition used to support loads other than its own weight.
PERSON: Any person, firm or corporation, public or private, the State of Illinois and its agencies or political subdivision and the United States of America, its agencies and instrumentalities, any agent, servant, officer or employee of any of the foregoing.
PLAN COMMISSION: The Plan Commission of the Village of Willowbrook, DuPage County, Illinois.
PLAT OF SURVEY: Plat of survey sealed by a registered land surveyor from the State of Illinois showing all existing structures, etc., drawn within six (6) months of the permit request.
PLUMBING (PLUMBING FIXTURES): Water heating facilities, water pipes, garbage disposal units, waste pipes, water closets, sinks, installed dishwashers, lavatories, bath tubs, shower baths, installed clothes washing machines, catch basins, drains, vents, and other similar supplied fixtures, together with all connections to water or sewer lines.
PREMISES: A lot, plot or parcel of land including the buildings and structures thereon.
PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER: A person licensed under the laws of the State of Illinois to practice professional engineering.
PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: The application of science to the design of engineering systems and facilities, using the knowledge, skills, ability and professional judgment developed through professional engineering education, training and experience.
PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING PRACTICE: The consultation on, conception, investigation, evaluation, planning and design of, and selection of materials and methods to be used in, administration of construction contracts for on site observation of an engineering system or facility, when such consultation, conception, investigation, evaluation, planning, design, selection, administration or observation requires extensive knowledge of engineering laws, formula, materials, practice and construction methods.
PUBLIC CORRIDOR: An enclosed public passageway with access to and from individual apartments, offices or rooms leading to a public hallway or to the exitways.
PUBLIC HALLWAY: A public corridor or space separately enclosed for providing common access to all the exitways of a building on any story.
PUBLIC PARKING DECK: An unenclosed or partially enclosed structure for the parking of motor vehicles, with no provision for the repairing or servicing of such vehicles.
RAT HARBORAGE: Any place where rats can live, nest or seek shelter.
RATED: Whenever used in this code, it shall mean as listed by the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., or another approved testing agency.
RATED ASSEMBLY: All parts and components when assembled will provide a fire rated assembly.
RATPROOF: A form of construction which will prevent the entrance and exit of rats to and from a given space or building.
RECORD DRAWINGS: Drawings prepared, signed and sealed by a professional engineer or land surveyor representing the final as-built record of the actual in-place elevations, location of structures and topography.
REFUSE: Garbage, rubbish, ashes and dead animals.
REGULATORY FLOODPLAIN: The floodplain as determined by the base flood elevation used as the basis for regulation in this title.
REGULATORY FLOODWAY: The floodway that is used as the basis for regulation in this title.
REGULATORY WETLANDS: All wetlands other than critical wetlands.
REPAIR: The replacement of existing work with equivalent materials for the purpose of its maintenance, but not including additional work that would affect safety, or affect required exit facilities, or a vital element of an elevator, plumbing, gas piping, wiring, ventilating or heating installation or any work that would be in violation of a provision of this chapter or any other law governing building construction.
RESIDENCE BUILDING: A building in which sleeping accommodations or sleeping accommodations and cooking facilities as a unit are provided, except when classified as an institution under this Code.
RIPARIAN ENVIRONMENT: Land bordering a waterway or wetland that provides habitat or amenities dependent on the proximity to water.
ROOF COVERING: The covering applied to the roof for weather resistance, fire resistance or appearance.
ROOF LINE: Either the peak line of the roof or the top of the parapet, whichever forms the top line of the building silhouettes.
ROOF STRUCTURE: A structure above the roof or any part of a building enclosing a stairway, tank, elevator machinery or service equipment, or such part of a shaft as extends above the roof; and not housing living or recreational accommodations.
RUBBISH: Combustible and noncombustible waste materials, except garbage; and the term shall include the residue from the burning of wood, coal, coke, and other combustible materials, paper, rags, cartons, boxes, wood, excelsior, rubber, leather, tree branches, yard trimmings, tin cans, metals, mineral matter, glass, crockery and dust.
RUNOFF: The waters derived from melting snow or rain falling within a tributary drainage basin that exceed the infiltration capacity of the soils of that basin.
SCS: The United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service.
SATELLITE EARTH STATION: Any antenna which includes a reflector element, whether flat, concave or parabolic, which is designed for receiving television, radio, data or other signals from satellites or other sources, or for transmitting such signals to a receiving station.
SERVICE ROOMS: Any room used for storage, bath or utility purposes, and not included in the definition of habitable rooms.
SHAFT: A space enclosed with side walls and extending through two (2) or more stories.
SHALL: As used in this Code, means mandatory.
SINGLE CYLINDER DEAD BOLT: A dead bolt activated from the outside by a key and from the inside by a knob, thumb turn, lever or similar actuator.
SLIDING DOOR DEAD BOLT: A single dead bolt which after penetration of the strike, expands or is pivoted hook type to resist sliding of the door by force.
SLOW BURNING: This is a general relative term. Its precise meaning is defined in this chapter for specific applications.
SOIL SCIENTIST: A person with a four (4) year degree in which the core curriculum included course work in two (2) of the following fields: soil science, pedology, edophology, and geomorphology, and which person has a minimum of two (2) years of field experience in classifying soils.
SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA: An area having special flood, mudslide, or mud flow, or flood related erosion hazards, and which area is shown on an FHBM or FIRM as Zone A, AO, A1-30, AE, A99, AH, VO, V1-30, VE, V, M, or E.
SPECIAL MANAGEMENT AREAS: Regulatory floodplains or wetlands.
SPRINKLED: Equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler system.
STAIRWAY: One or more flights of stairs and the necessary landings and platforms connecting them, to form a continuous and uninterrupted passage from one floor level to another in a building or structure.
STORMWATER FACILITY: All ditches, channels, conduits, bridges, culverts, levees, ponds, natural and manmade impoundments, wetlands, tile, swales, sewers or other natural or artificial structures or measures which serve as a means of draining surface and subsurface water from land.
STORY: That portion of a building included between the floor surface and the surface of the next floor or roof above and having a height of not less than seven feet (7'), except that space used exclusively for the housing of mechanical services for the building and having access limited to maintenance purposes only, shall not be construed as a story. A basement shall be construed if the level of the finished floor is four feet (4') or less from the average finished grade adjacent to that floor. A story may have differing or "split" levels, in which case, the floor levels which have the least difference in floor level (5 feet or less) shall be construed as being of the same story. A mezzanine shall be construed as a story if its area exceeds one-third (1/3) of the floor area of the room in which the mezzanine is located.
STORY, HALF: A space under a sloping roof which has the line of intersection of roof decking and wall not more than three feet (3') above the top floor level, and in which space not more than sixty percent (60%) of the floor area is completed for the principal or accessory uses.
STRIKE: A stationary metal plate designed to momentarily depress a moving latch for final secure engagement requiring a separate operation for disengagement.
STRUCTURE: Anything erected, the use of which requires more or less permanent location on the ground; or attached to something having a permanent location on the ground. An advertising or business sign or other advertising device, if detached or projecting, shall be construed to be a separate structure.
SUPPLIED: Installed, furnished, or provided by the owner or operator at his expense.
TEMPORARY HOUSING: Any tent, trailer, or other structure used for human shelter which is not affixed to the ground, to another structure or to any utilities system on the same premises for more than thirty (30) consecutive days.
TRAILER: Any vehicle or similar portable structure originally designed or converted so as to provide living quarters, storage, business activities or sales.
USE: The purpose or activity for which the land or building thereon is designed, arranged or intended, or for which it is occupied or maintained.
USE GROUP: The classification of a building or structure based on the purposes for which the building or structure is designed or used.
USED: Used or designed or intended to be used.
VENT SHAFT: A court used only to ventilate or light a water closet, bath, toilet, or utility room or other service room.
VENTILATION: The process of supplying and removing air by natural or mechanical means to or from any space. Mechanical ventilation is ventilation by power-driven devices. Natural ventilation is ventilation by opening to outer air through windows, skylights, doors, louvers or stacks without winddriven devices.
VILLAGE BOARD: The President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Willowbrook, DuPage County, Illinois.
WALLS: When used outside of a structure it shall mean an artificially constructed barrier made of masonry materials, including but not limited to brick and poured concrete, resting on or partially buried in the ground and rising above ground level, erected for the purpose of providing protection, facilitating abrupt grade transitions, preventing uncontrolled access, or for decorative purposes, or to screen from viewers in or on adjoining properties and streets the property on which the wall is erected. All exterior screening "walls" must bear directly on a footing or foundation wall. Other types of walls may include, but are not limited to:
   (A)   Bearing Walls: A wall which supports any load other than its own weight.
   (B)   Cavity Wall: A wall built of masonry units or of plain concrete, or a combination which the inner and outer widths of the wall are tied together with metal ties.
   (C)   Curtain Walls: An exterior nonbearing wall between columns or piers which is not supported by beams or girders at each story.
   (D)   Division Wall: An interior wall which divides a building into the required floor area and shall be constructed as a "fire wall".
   (E)   Exterior Or Enclosure Wall: An outside wall or vertical enclosure of a building, other than a party wall.
   (F)   Fire Wall: A wall having adequate fire resistance and structural stability under fire conditions to accomplish the purpose of completely subdividing a building or of completely separating adjoining buildings to resist the spread of fire.
   (G)   Foundation Wall: That portion of an enclosing wall below the first tier of floor joists or beams nearest and above the grade line.
   (H)   Panel Wall: An exterior, nonbearing wall in a skeleton structure built between columns or piers and supported at each story.
   (I)   Parapet Wall: That portion of a wall which extends above the roof line and bears no load except as it may serve to support a roof structure.
   (J)   Party Wall: A wall on an interior lot line used or adapted for joint service between two (2) buildings.
   (K)   Retaining Wall: A wall constructed to support a body of earth or to resist lateral thrust.
WATERSHED: All land area drained by, or contributing to, the same stream, lake, or stormwater facility.
WATERSHED BENEFIT: A decrease in flood elevations and flood damages upstream or downstream of the development site.
WATERSHED PLAN MODEL: A hydrologic and hydraulic model used in developing a watershed plan.
WETLANDS: Areas that are inundated or saturated by surface water or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.
WINDOW: A glazed opening, including glazed doors, which open upon a yard, court, or recess from a court, or a vent shaft open and unobstructed to the sky.
WORKMANLIKE: Whenever the words "workmanlike state of maintenance and repair" are used in this chapter, they shall mean that such maintenance and repair shall be made in a reasonably skillful manner.
WRITING: The term shall be construed to include handwriting, typewriting, printing, photo offset or any other form of reproduction in legible symbols or characters.
WRITTEN NOTICE: A notification in writing delivered in person to the individual or to the parties intended or delivered at or sent by certified mail to the last known address the individual or parties intended.
YARD: Areas required on any lot or parcel which are unoccupied and unobstructed from their lowest level upward, except for permitted obstructions as otherwise provided for in this code, and which extend along a lot line and at right angles thereto to a depth or width as specified by the bulk regulations for the district in which the lot or parcel is located.
ZONING: The reservation of certain specified areas within a community or city for buildings and structures, or use of land, for certain purposes with other limitations such as height, lot coverage and other stipulated requirements.
ZONING ORDINANCE: The Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Willowbrook, DuPage County, Illinois. (Ord. 19-O-10, 6-24-2019)