(a)   The City Engineer, in consultation with such other professionals as hydrological and geological engineers, botanists, biologists, and landscape architects as he may deem necessary, shall create a map identifying the Protected Areas. Said map shall be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved by City Council and shall become a part of this regulation after public hearing and notice. Copies of the Protected Areas Map shall be made available for reference to property owners and the general public and is set forth as Exhibit “B.” Said map shall be published as a convenient reference document and the information contained therein shall be believed to be accurate; however, the City shall not certify the accuracy of the map and shall assume no liability or responsibility for discrepancies between the map and the criteria for the Protected Areas as set forth in Section 1167.03. In the event of a discrepancy between the Protected Areas Map and the criteria set forth in Section 1167.03, the criteria shall control.
   (b)   Protected areas shall be those lands within the City of Willoughby Hills that contain one or more of the following characteristics as determined by the City Engineer:
      (1)   The lands have exhibited evidence of unstable soil conditions;
      (2)   The lands have a natural gradient within the limits set forth in Exhibit “A.”
      (3)   The lands are adjacent to wetlands. Minimum areas adjacent to wetlands shall be measured outward from the jurisdictional boundary of each wetland as follows:
         A.   A minimum of 120 feet surrounding all Ohio EPA Category 3 wetlands.
         B.   A minimum of 75 feet surrounding all Ohio EPA Category 2 wetlands.
      (4)   The lands are adjacent to watercourses. Minimum areas adjacent to watercourses shall be measured from the ordinary high water mark of each watercourse as follows:
         A.   A minimum of 120 feet on either side of a watercourse draining an area greater than 20 square miles.
         B.   A minimum of 75 feet on either side of a watercourse draining an area of ½ square mile and up to 20 square miles.
         C.   A minimum of 25 feet on either side of a watercourse draining an area less than ½ square mile and having a defined bed and bank as determined by the City Engineer.
         D.   The minimum areas adjacent to watercourses detailed in Section 1167.03 (b)(4)A. to C. shall extend as follows:
            1.   Where the 100-year floodplain is wider than a minimum riparian area, the minimum riparian area shall be extended to the outer edge of the 100-year floodplain.
            2.   Where a wetland is identified within a minimum riparian area, the minimum riparian area shall be extended to the outermost boundary of the wetland. If the wetland is either Ohio EPA Category 2 or 3, the minimum riparian area shall be extended the distance detailed in 1167.03(b)(3)A or B above. (Ord. 2008-15. Passed 6-12-08.)