Each lot and building envelope within a Conservation Development shall have sufficient access to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow and reasonable ingress and egress for emergency vehicles. To this end, the street requirements for Conservation Developments are as follows:
   (a)    Public Streets. A street shall be required to be publicly dedicated when such street is a major street that connects two (2) existing public streets, is intended to provide a future continuing street system beyond the project boundaries, or is expected to accommodate pass-through traffic going to and from adjacent developments.
   (b)    Private Streets. Streets that are not otherwise required to be public streets pursuant to subsection (a) above may be approved as private streets when the City determines that:
      (1)    The private street is not planned or expected to be extended to serve property outside the Conservation Development.
      (2)    Adequate utility easements are provided to the satisfaction of the City and the utilities.
      (3)    The design and layout of the private street provides adequate and safe access to the intended units.
      (4)    A private street with single access shall provide access to no more than fifteen (15) dwelling units.
   (c)    Pavement Width. Private streets may be constructed with narrower pavement widths than required by the City for public streets provided they comply with the minimum standards set forth in Schedule 1143.08 and are approved by the City Engineer.
   (d)    Schedule 1143.08 Street Requirements: 
Schedule 1143.08 
Street Requirements
Minimum Pavement Width
Private street with two (2) means of access serving:
(a)    More than fifteen (15) units
25 feet
15 feet
(b)    Fifteen (15) units or less
20 feet
12 feet
(c)    Private street with a single access serving fifteen (15) units or less
20 feet
Notes to Schedule 1143.08.
(1) Widths apply if no parking is provided on the street. If the street also provides an aisle for off-street parking, then the street width shall be increased by four (4) feet.
NA = Not Applicable
   (e)    Construction Standards. All elements of a private street that are to be provided in a Conservation Development shall be constructed in accordance with the construction standards set forth for public streets in Title Five, Subdivision Regulations. However, when the Planning and Zoning Commission determines that certain elements of a public street do not or should not specifically apply to a private street due to the circumstances of a particular project or portion of a project, the Commission may waive or permit a modification to the installation of any such element(s) to the extent deemed just and proper provided such relief may be granted without detriment to the public good. This provision also applies to waiving the requirement for curbs and storm sewers when the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the Planning and Zoning Commission that, based on the topography of the site, open space, density and other environmental considerations, the proposed open natural drainage system will equally satisfy the drainage requirements.
      (Ord. 2006-35. Passed 5-25-06.)