The following specific development standards shall be adhered to in the design and layout of any Conservation Development:
(a) Minimum Setbacks from Project Boundaries and Streets: All buildings, structures and parking areas shall comply with the minimum setbacks set forth in Schedule 1143.07. Each building containing attached single-family dwelling units shall be counted as one building for the purpose of determining the minimum setback and spacing requirements.
(b) Minimum Separation Between Buildings: In order to ensure reasonable privacy and separation, walls of individual buildings located within a Conservation Development shall be separated by the minimum distances set forth in Schedule 1143.07. The following definitions shall apply to terms used in this Section.
(1) Main Wall: The outside wall(s) of a building that contains the primary windows of any living, family or dining room.
(2) End Wall: The outside walls of a building, other than a main wall, which may be blank or contain windows not considered to be primary windows.
(c) Unbroken Wall Length: No wall or facade shall extend for more than two (2) units without a change in the plane of the wall and roofline by at least five (5) feet.
(d) Lot Requirements: Dwelling units are not required to be on lots. However, when lots for standard detached single-family dwellings or sub lots for cluster single-family detached dwellings are included as part of a Conservation Development, such lots or sub lots shall be of sufficient size and shape to accommodate dwelling units in compliance with the spacing requirements of this Section.
(e) Required Buffer: A buffer area with a minimum width of thirty (30) feet from an existing right-of-way, and twenty-five (25) feet from a perimeter side or rear property line is required. The buffer area shall be landscaped with an acceptably designed wall, fence, planting screen, or mound, or some combination thereof, which shall comply with the regulations found in Chapter 1155.
(f) Utilities: Underground utilities, including telephone and electrical systems, are required within the limits of a Conservation Development. Appurtenances to these systems that can be effectively screened may be exempted from this requirement if the City finds that such exemption will not violate the intent or character of the proposed Conservation Development.
(g) Sewage Disposal: Development shall be served by individual or public sewage disposal structures. Individual sewage disposal systems shall comply with all applicable regulations of the Lake County Health Department and may be located within common open space areas when approved by the City and the Lake County Health Department.
(h) Additional Standards: Additional development requirements, whether standards or criteria, formulated to achieve the objectives of the Conservation Development may be established at the time a Conservation Development plan is reviewed. Any such development requirements adopted with such plan shall become binding land use requirements for the development.
(i) Waivers: In the event the City, determines that certain standards set forth in this Chapter do not or should not apply specifically to the circumstances of a particular project and an alternative method of achieving the objectives of the numerical standard is equal to or better than the strict application of the specified standard, the Planning and Zoning Commission may relax such standard to the extent deemed just and proper, provided that the granting of such relief shall be without detriment to the health and safety of the community and without detriment to or impairment of the intent of this Chapter.
Development Standards
R-1/R-2 | |
(a) Minimum Setbacks | |
(1) Building | |
° Existing street right-of-way | 50 ft. |
° Internal street (1) | 25 ft. |
° Side/rear boundary line of project | 35 ft. |
(2) Parking (2) | |
° Existing street right-of-way | 30 ft. |
° Side/rear property/boundary line of project | 25 ft. |
(b) Minimum Spacing Between Buildings | |
(1) Front wall to front wall | 45 ft. |
(2) Front wall to end wall | 20 ft. |
(3) End wall to end wall | 20 ft. |
(1) If the internal street is public, the setback is measured from the right-of-way; if it is private the setback is measured from the pavement of the street. These distances may be waived on individual streets with less than 10 units. |
(Ord. 2006-35. Passed 5-25-06.)