Outdoor activities permitted in the I-1 District pursuant to Schedule 1141.02 shall be permitted only when accessory to a permitted or conditionally permitted principal use and in compliance with the following regulations.
   (a)    Type of Storage. 
      (1)    General Storage of Materials. This type of outdoor storage shall include the storage of goods, materials or products associated with the principal use.
      (2)    Storage of Fleet Vehicles. This type of outdoor storage shall include the storage of trucks, vans or other vehicles that are used, as part of the operation of a principal use, but not including privately owned customer or employee vehicles.
      (3)    Storage of Equipment for Sale or Rental. This type of outdoor storage shall include the storage of equipment, motorized and non-motorized, for sale and/or rental, such as tools, trucks, tractors, construction equipment, agricultural implements and similar industrial equipment, but not including fleet vehicles or vehicles associated with automotive sales and rental.
   (b)    Location. Areas devoted to outdoor storage of any type shall be:
      (1)    Accessible to fire fighting equipment at all times; and
      (2)    Depicted on the development plan and shall not occupy or interfere with traffic circulation, required parking areas, required open space, public sidewalks or pedestrian access.
   (c)    Surfacing. Areas devoted to outdoor activities shall be paved with asphalt or concrete and maintained to be free of dust.
   (d)    Hazardous Materials. No storage of radioactive, toxic or otherwise hazardous materials shall be permitted in the I-1, Industrial District.
   (e)    Screening.
      (1)    All outdoor storage of materials, goods, equipment and overnight storage of vehicles shall be enclosed with a solid wall or fence, including solid gates. The wall or fence shall have a height tall enough to conceal all operations and materials therein from the view of any observer standing at the grade level at an abutting residential district line or a public street. However, in no case shall the height of the fence or wall be less than six (6) feet, nor more than eight (8) feet. The solid wall or fence and associated gates shall be maintained in good condition.
      (2)    All outdoor storage areas shall be effectively screened from adjacent residential districts, public parking areas and public streets according to the screening requirements set forth in Chapter 1155. The Planning and Zoning Commission may increase the minimum height of required screening when it is determined that additional height is needed to effectively conceal all materials from view of any observer standing at the grade level at an abutting residential district line or a public street.
   (f)    Signs. No signs shall be permitted in conjunction with outdoor activities except those otherwise in compliance with the sign regulations contained in Chapter 1151, Sign Regulations.
   (g)    Specific Outdoor Storage Regulations. 
      (1)    General Outdoor Storage of Materials. 
         A.    Areas devoted to general outdoor storage of materials shall be located in a rear yard only, behind the principal building and in compliance with all building setbacks as set forth in Section 1141.04 .
         B.    The area of the lot devoted to general outdoor storage of materials shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the ground floor area of the principal building.
      (2)    Special Regulations for Landscape Materials. Outdoor storage areas shall not occupy an area greater in size than thirty percent (30%) of the floor area of the principal building and may be located in the side or rear of the principal building, provided:
         A.    The area is landscaped or covered with porous materials; and
         B.    The area is devoted to the storage of living landscape materials such as trees, shrubs and flowers.
         C.    The area is in compliance with all parking setbacks set forth in Section 1141.04 . 
      (3)    Outdoor Storage of Fleet Vehicles. This type of outdoor storage shall include the storage of trucks, vans or other vehicles that are used, as part of the operation of a principal use, but not including privately owned customer or employee vehicles.
         A.    The accessory outdoor storage of fleet vehicles shall be located in a side or rear yard only, in compliance with the parking setbacks set forth in Section 1141.04 .
         B.    The area of the lot devoted to accessory outdoor storage of fleet vehicles shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the ground floor area of the principal building.
      (4)    Outdoor Storage of Equipment for Sale or Rental. This type of outdoor storage shall include the storage of equipment, motorized and nonmotorized, for sale and/or rental, such as tools, trucks, tractors, construction equipment, agricultural implements and similar industrial equipment, but not including vehicles associated with automotive sales and rental.
         A.    The accessory outdoor storage of equipment for sale or rental shall be located in a side or rear yard, in compliance with the parking setbacks set forth in Section 1141.04 .
         B.    The area of the lot devoted to accessory outdoor storage of equipment for sale or rental shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the ground floor area of the principal building.
   (h)    Outdoor Display: Outdoor display, when permitted as an accessory use pursuant to Schedule 1141.02, shall comply with the following:
      (1)    Outdoor display of retail items shall not exceed an area equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the ground floor area of the principal building.
      (2)   Outdoor display areas may be located in the front, side, or rear yard. They shall comply with the setback regulations set forth in Section 1141.04 and be contiguous to the principal building; however, such areas shall be spaced a sufficient distance from the building, as dictated by the City Fire Chief, to satisfy all fire safety requirements.
      (3)    Outdoor display areas shall be depicted on the development plan and shall not occupy or interfere with traffic circulation, required parking areas, sidewalks or pedestrian access.
         (Ord. 2006-35. Passed 5-25-06.)