The following Planning Criteria standards shall apply to all developments in an M or M-1 District.
(a) Multi-family buildings need not be distributed in a uniform height or density throughout the parcel.
(b) The buildings shall be located so as to take advantage of the topography, natural features and superior views within the neighboring area. They shall be designed and arranged so that the distance between buildings and the various parts thereof and between buildings and boundaries of adjoining areas will enhance the privacy, use and enjoyment of the maximum number of dwelling units within the buildings.
(c) Paved walkways shall be provided and maintained connecting each outdoor entryway in a multi-family development to the parking area serving that building, to the public street, to other buildings on-site, and to any recreation facilities that are provided as part of the development. Where garages are constructed, the walls and roof shall be a part of the approved design of the buildings.
(d) The landscaped areas shall be the minimum percentage of those portions of the parcel, which are not covered by buildings, structures, parking areas, driveways, and swimming pool or similarly permitted outdoor use. Lawns, trees and shrubs shall be planted and maintained.
(e) Development plans should be designed to protect and preserve the residential character of any surrounding Single-family Residential District.
(f) Every apartment building shall be of masonry construction and shall be faced above the basement ceiling with either stone or brick. No concrete or other blocks shall be used for facing above such basement ceiling line.
(g) Utilities. All utilities required to serve a development shall be located underground.
(h) Waste Receptacles. All solid waste products that result from any permitted principal, conditional or accessory use shall either be disposed of, stored in buildings, or completely enclosed in containers. Such building, container or dumpster shall be located in a side or rear yard on a paved surface in compliance with the minimum parking setbacks established in Schedule 1135.05 as well as the screening requirements set forth in Chapter 1155.
(i) Performance Standards. All uses and developments shall comply with the Performance Standards in Section 1157.10
, General Use Regulations.
(Ord. 2006-35. Passed 5-25-06.)