Accessory uses, buildings and structures permitted in the R-1 and R-2 Districts shall comply with the regulations set forth below.
(a) Additional Regulations for Parking Areas, Driveways and Vehicles. Open, off-street parking areas and vehicles shall comply with the regulations set forth below:
(1) Accessory off-street parking shall comply with the parking requirements set forth in Chapter 1153.
(2) The repainting, rebuilding, overhauling or dismantling of a vehicle or the storage of tires, motor, or auto body parts in an open yard is prohibited on a residential lot.
(3) The overnight parking or the outdoor storage of commercial motor vehicles shall comply with Section 1157.07
, Additional Regulations Regarding Motor Vehicles in Residential Zoning Districts.
(b) Additional Regulations for Recreational Vehicles. Recreational vehicles are permitted in the R-1 and R-2 Districts provided they comply with the regulations set forth below:
(1) They shall not be permanently connected to electricity, water, gas, or sanitary sewer facilities, and at no time shall this equipment be used for living or housekeeping purposes.
(2) If the recreational vehicle is parked or stored outside, it shall be stored or parked in the rear yard; and shall not be stored or parked in any side setback. On a corner lot, a recreational vehicle shall be stored or parked in compliance with the corner side setback requirements in Section 1133.04
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of this sub-section, recreational vehicles may be parked anywhere on the premises for loading or unloading purposes, for a period of not more than 48 hours.
(4) If the recreational equipment is parked or stored outside, it shall be parked on an impervious surface, such as asphalt or concrete.
(5) All recreational equipment shall be kept in good repair and carry a current year’s license or registration.
(c) Outdoor Storage. Outdoor storage is prohibited.
(d) Swimming Pools. Private swimming pools for the exclusive use of residents of the premises may be located in any residential district provided they comply with the locational and lot coverage requirements set forth in Schedule 1133.10 as well as the regulations in Section 1157.06
, Swimming Pools.
(e) Fences and Walls. Fences and walls in any residential district shall comply with Schedule 1133.10 and the following:
(1) Height and Opacity.
A. Front Yards and Corner Side Yards. Fences in a front and or corner side yard shall not exceed forty-two (42) inches in height above the natural grade. At least 75% of the vertical surface of the fence located in a front or corner side yard shall be open and such openness shall be uniformly distributed across the vertical surface.
B. Side and Rear Yards. Fences and walls in the side or rear yard shall not exceed six (6) feet in height above the natural grade.
(2) Fences may be located in any part of the yard. Fences may be built up to, but not on, the property line, except adjacent to public rights-of-way in which case the fence shall have a one (1) foot setback. Fences shall be located entirely on the property of the person constructing it.
(3) Fences, gates, doors and other obstructions shall not swing across or over a sidewalk, property line, or public right-of-way.
(4) On a corner lot, all fences must comply with the visual clearance requirements for corner lots set forth in Section 1157.11, Visibility at Intersections.
(5) No fence shall be constructed, without City authorization, within a right-of- way or a utility easement. Any fence constructed within a utility easement, or inhibiting access to such easement, may be removed by the City and the cost of such removal may be charged against those parties having an interest in the fence.
(6) Materials and Construction.
A. Fences shall be constructed of finished masonry (unfinished masonry shall not be permitted), wood, or other similar synthetic materials, except that chain link fencing is permitted in the side or rear yard.
B. No fence shall be electrified or topped with broken glass, spikes, barbed wire or other sharp edged material. A living fence whose species has briars, thorns or other foliage which can scratch, injure or harm a person or animal shall be kept trimmed by the owner when such fence is within the required front, side or rear setback.
C. Fences that are painted shall be one color. Fences and walls shall be maintained in good repair at all times by the owner and/or occupant of the lot on which they are located. The smooth finished side of the fence shall be the side of the fence that faces outward from the yard being fenced. (Ord. 2006-35. Passed 5-25-06.)