The developer shall prepare a plan and grade each subdivision or development in order to establish street grades, lot grades and floor elevations of buildings in proper relation to each other and to existing topography, as follows:
   (a)    Grading Plan. A grading plan shall be prepared for the street areas along with the street improvement details in accordance with standards set forth in this chapter. Before buildings may be constructed, a detailed land development plan shall be prepared showing the buildings and paved areas on each lot and the grading of each lot.
   (b)    Lot Grading. The floor elevation of each building shall be established in proper relation to the surrounding grade, the driveway and the street.
      (1)    The lot shall be graded so that water drains away from each building at a minimum grade of two percent (2%).
      (2)    Surface drainage swales shall have a minimum grade of five-tenths percent (0.5%) and be designed so that surface water will drain into a storm sewer, drain inlet or natural drainage way.
      (3)    The minimum grades of driveways shall be five-tenths percent (0.5%) and a maximum of ten percent (10%). Grading shall be adjusted so there will be no abrupt grades in the front yards and along side lot lines.
      (4)    The grades of earth terraces shall not exceed three to one.
      (5)    If a masonry retaining wall exceeds four (4) feet in height, a hedge, fence or railing shall be provided.
         (Ord. 2006-35. Passed 5-25-06.)