Pursuant to Ohio R.C. 727.44, a district is hereby established to be known as the Willoughby Storm Sewer District No. F-1, which is bounded and described as follows:
   The following District F-1 area, situated in the City of Willoughby, the County of Lake, and the State of Ohio, and known as being a part of Lots NO. 6,7,8,9,10 and 11, Douglas Tract in the City, and is further bounded and described as follows:
   Beginning in the northerly line of land of the Willo Shore Country Club as recorded in Volume 443, Page 632, Lake County Record of Deeds, at a point which is located 200 feet measured along the line from its intersection with the centerline of Lost Nation Road;
   Thence westerly along the northerly line of land of the Willo Shore Country Club and along the corporation line between the cities of Willoughby and Eastlake to a point at a Southwest corner of the corporation line;
   Thence northerly along the corporation line to a point about 1,350 feet south of the Two-Town Ditch;
   Thence easterly to a point 200 feet west of the centerline of Lost Nation Road;
   Thence southerly on a line parallel with the centerline of Lost Nation Road and 200 feet west therefrom to the place of beginning as described by Colpetzer-Woods Consultants, Inc., Registered Engineers and Surveyors.
(Ord. 2010-32. Passed 9-23-10.)