Pursuant to Ohio R.C. 727.44, a district is hereby established to be known as the Willoughby Sanitary Sewerage District No. F-1, which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning in the centerline of Lost Nation Road at a point where such centerline is intersected by the northerly line of land of Sunrise Development, Inc., as recorded in Volume 640, Page 72, Lake County Record of Deeds, which point is about 1,655.0 feet south of Hodgson Road;
Thence westerly along the northerly line of land of Sunrise Development, Inc., and along the corporation line between the cities of Willoughby and Eastlake about 2,655 feet to a point at a Southwest corner in the corporation line;
Thence northerly along such corporation line about 6,600 feet to a point about 250 feet south of the existing fifteen-inch trunk sanitary sewer;
Thence easterly a distance of about 700.0 feet to a point;
Thence southerly a distance of about 1,100.0 feet to a point;
Thence easterly by a line on the westerly projection of the southerly line of land of the Lost Nation North Company property a distance of about 2,090.0 feet to a point in the centerline of Lost Nation Road;
Thence southerly along the centerline of Lost Nation Road about 1,350.0 feet to a point 2,500 feet north of the centerline of Hodgson Road;
Thence easterly a distance of 500 feet to a point;
Thence southerly along a line 500 feet east of and parallel to the centerline of Lost Nation Road a distance of 2,200 feet to a point;
Thence easterly along a line 300 feet north of and parallel to the centerline of Hodgson Road, a distance of about 2,300 feet to a point in the corporation line between the cities of Mentor and Willoughby;
Thence southerly along such corporation line, a distance of about 300 feet to a point in the centerline of Hodgson Road;
Thence in a southwesterly direction, a distance of about 3,280 feet to the place of beginning as described by Colpetzer-Woods Consultants, Inc., Registered Engineers and Surveyors. (Ord. 2010-32. Passed 9-23-10.)