(a) Prohibitions. No person shall operate a vehicle having three (3) or more axles, or box trucks which are twenty-four (24) feet or longer, and commercially used for the transportation of goods or property, wares, or merchandise upon all City residential streets where the following apply:
(1) Any residential street, not designated as a State Route, with no fully extended adjacent sidewalks for pedestrian traffic by the residents, and which include, but are not limited to, the following local residential streets: Hurricane Drive, Kirtland Road, Adkins Road, Stevens Blvd., Willoughcroft Road, and Highland Drive;
(2) Upon any other residential street identified by the Safety Director possessing inherent safety indicators to pedestrian traffic thereby warranting the prohibition of commercial and heavy truck traffic as stated under this section.
(b) Postings. The Safety Director shall cause signs to be clearly posted giving notification of "No Truck Travel" upon the specific streets as designated under this section.
(c) Exceptions. The prohibitions set forth in this section shall not apply to the following uses upon residential streets by commercial and heavy vehicles:
(1) The operation of emergency and law enforcement vehicles;
(2) The operation of any vehicle owned or operated by the City, a public utility or any contractor or material man, while directly engaged in services for the Municipality;
(3) The operation of any commercial and heavy vehicle within and pursuant to any officially established temporary detour route;
(4) The operation of any commercial and heavy vehicle when such operation is necessary to load or unload property or materials, or to perform any other legitimate business or act, other than unstopped passage through the Municipality. Operators of vehicles shall confine such deviation only to that required in order to accomplish the purpose of the departure;
(5) The operation of any commercial and heavy vehicles directly engaged in the disposal, collection and/or transport of waste, including, but not limited to, recyclable materials; provided that this exception shall not apply to hazardous cargo or radioactive materials.
(d) Route and Load Information. Drivers of vehicles described in this section shall be required, upon request by a police officer, to give full and true information as to the route they are following and the name of the consignor and consignee, and place of delivery or removal, and the location of any consignment being hauled or goods being removed, and upon a designation by such police officer of a route to be followed, shall immediately adopt and pursue such route.
(e) Violations. Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor on a first offense; on a second offense within one year after the first offense, the person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree; on each subsequent offense within one year after the first offense, the person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree.
(Ord. 2022-130. Passed 10-18-22.)