In addition to ensuring compliance with the numerical standards of these regulations, the Sign Review Board shall consider the proposed general design arrangement and placement of the sign as well as the appropriateness of the proposed sign in relationship to other signs and other structures both on the premises and in the surrounding areas, and shall only approve signs which are consistent with the intent, purposes, standard and criteria of these sign regulations. Specific standards for determining the appropriateness of the sign shall include, but not be limited, to the following:
   (a)   The lettering shall be large enough to be easily read but not overly large or out of scale with the building or site.
   (b)   The number of items, letters, symbols, shapes, shall be consistent with the amount of information which can be comprehended by the viewer; reflect simplicity; avoid visual clutter; and improve legibility.
   (c)   The shape of the sign shall be simple and not create visual clutter, and the sign should be consolidated into a minimum number of elements.
   (d)   A ratio between the message and the background shall permit easy recognition of the message.
   (e)   The size, style and location of the sign shall be appropriate to the activity of the site.
   (f)   The sign shall complement the building and adjacent buildings by being designed and placed to enhance the architecture. The sign shall also have a minimum of advertising and reflect the primary purpose of identifying the name and type of establishment.
   (g)   Signs shall have an appropriate contrast and be designed with a limited number of, and harmonious use of, colors.
   (h)   Extraneous elements, by virtue of inappropriate remodeling, and which exist at the time a new sign is proposed shall be removed to improve the clarity and design of the proposed sign and restore the intended character of the building.
   (i)   Signs, if seen in series, shall have a continuity of design with the style of sign generally consistent throughout the building or block.
   (j)   Instructional signs shall contain the minimum information and the minimum area necessary to convey the message and instruct the viewer in the safe and efficient use of the facility.
   (k)   Visible frames or supports for projecting signs shall be artistic in nature.
   (l)   A sign should be constructed with a minimum of different types of material so as to provide a consistent overall appearance.
   (m)   Illumination.
      (1)   All signs, except as herein modified, may be illuminated by internally or reflected light provided that such illumination shall:
         A.   Not be excessive in brightness;
         B.   Not be flashing, moving or intermittent except for permitted electronic message centers; and
         C.   Not be so located, arranged or shielded to be so directed and reflected away from adjacent property or streets.
         D.   Not include bare strings of light bulbs.
      (2)   Signs shall not be lighted to obstruct traffic control or any other public signs. Signs visible from sight lines along streets shall not contain symbols or words, or red and green lights that resemble highway traffic signs or devices. These regulations shall not apply to Christmas display lighting.
      (3)   Ground or pole mounted solar collectors used as the electrical source for illuminated signs shall be designed and located in compliance with the following:
         A.   The location of the solar collector shall comply with all applicable building setback requirements of the district in which it is located.
         B.   The height of the solar collector and any mounts shall not exceed ten (10) feet or the high of the sign, whichever is less, when oriented at maximum tilt.
         C.   To the extent possible, without compromising the solar collector's access to the sun, solar collectors shall be screened from view at-grade from all adjacent streets and adjacent properties.
         D.   The total surface area of the solar collector shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the surface area of the sign.
         E.   A building permit is required for the installation of the solar collector.
   (n)   Construction Standards.
      (1)   Signs shall be structurally sound and located so as to pose no threat to pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
      (2)   Signs shall be fabricated on and of material which are of good quality, good durability and are complimentary to the building of which they become a part.
      (3)   The construction, erection, safety and maintenance of signs shall comply with the Ohio Building Code and the Ohio Revised Code.
      (4)   Signs shall be structurally designed to withstand wind pressure of thirty pounds per square foot in any direction.
      (5)   Temporary signs shall be durable and weather-resistant, and fastened or anchored sufficiently, whether attached to the building or positioned in the ground.
         (Ord. 2020-21. Passed 2-18-20.)