Permanent signs for all residential uses and for nonresidential uses in residential districts and the Limited Residential Business District shall comply with the regulations set forth in this Section.
   (a)   One-family and Two-Family Residential Properties:
      (1)   Each one-family and two-family dwelling unit is permitted a maximum of two (2) permanent signs provided the combined sign area does not exceed two (2) square feet in total sign area.
      (2)   Signs may be freestanding, mounted to a permanent building or structure or displayed in a window.
      (3)   Freestanding signs shall be located on private property, a minimum of five (5) feet from the street right-of-way.
      (4)   Freestanding signs shall not exceed four (4) feet in height.
   (b)   Multi-Family Residential Properties:  
      (1)   Each multi-family building is permitted a maximum of two (2) signs per building provided the combined sign area does not exceed six (6) square feet in total sign area.
      (2)   Signs may be freestanding, mounted to a permanent building or structure or displayed in a window.
      (3)   For multi-family buildings where each unit has a separate outdoor entrance, each unit shall be permitted to have one building sign not to exceed two (2) square feet, in lieu of the sign area permitted for the multi-family building.
      (4)   Freestanding signs shall be located on private property, a minimum of five (5) feet from the street right-of-way.
      (5)   Freestanding signs shall not exceed six (6) feet in height.
   (c)   Residential Subdivision or Development Freestanding Sign:  
      (1)   One freestanding sign shall be permitted for each street entrance to a residential subdivision, residential development or multi-family group development in compliance with the following regulations:
      (2)   The maximum area of such freestanding sign shall be forty (40) square feet in a One-Family District and sixty (60) square feet in a Multi-Family District.
      (3)   Freestanding signs shall not exceed six (6) feet in height.
      (4)   Freestanding signs shall be placed on private property no closer to the right-of-way than a distance equal to one-half the height of the sign, except as permitted in subsection (c)(5) hereof, and shall be located no closer than twenty-five (25) feet to a side lot line.
      (5)   A freestanding sign may be placed in the right-of-way provided such sign shall be located on the center island of a boulevard entrance, placed no closer than 25 feet to the intersecting street's right-of-way.
      (6)   A maximum of two (2) sign faces shall be permitted per entrance: either as a double-sided freestanding sign or as two single-sided signs either freestanding or mounted on a wall or other entrance feature.
      (7)   No part of a freestanding sign, the wall or entry feature on which a sign is mounted, or the landscaping shall obstruct the view of vehicles entering or exiting the property.
   (d)   Nonresidential Uses in Residential Districts and Limited Residential Business District:  
      (1)   Nonresidential uses are permitted signs not to exceed thirty (30) square feet in total sign area. The sign area may be either a wall sign or a ground sign or a combination of the two.
      (2)   The height of a freestanding sign shall not exceed six (6) feet.
      (3)   The area of a freestanding sign may be devoted to changeable copy in compliance with Section 1163.07.
      (4)   Additional sign area may be permitted as part of conditional use approval if the Sign Review Board determines that, because of the large size of the facility and its site, the proposed larger sign will be consistent with the objectives, intent and criteria of this chapter.
   (e)   Entrance Signs. Ground signs that meet the standards of this subsection are allowed in all Multi-Family Districts and Limited Residential Business Districts in addition to the square footage of permanent freestanding signs permitted in Subsections (b) and (d) above.
      (1)   Entrance signs shall not exceed four (4) square feet in area nor four (4) feet in height, and shall be located within ten (10) feet of the access drive to the site, in compliance with requirements for visibility at intersections set forth in Section 1169.06.
      (2)   Such signs may have internal or external illumination.
   (f)   Instructional Signs. Instructional signs are intended for instructional purposes and shall be permitted as needed provided such signs, as determined by the Sign Review Board, as authorized, are: not larger than necessary to serve the intended instructional purpose; are the minimum number to serve the intended instructional purpose; and are not in locations and do not possess design characteristics that constitute or serve to attract attention beyond the perimeter of the site.
      (Ord. 2020-21. Passed 2-18-20.)