The City, at its option, may contribute as follows:
(a) Curbs. For construction of new curbs, the City shall pay 100% of the cost of curbing of State Routes. The City shall pay 100% of the engineering expenses, legal expenses, costs for advertising and postage, costs for traffic islands and the cost of intersections, plus 25% of the remaining construction costs. Property owners shall pay 75% of the construction costs.
(b) Sidewalks. For construction of new sidewalks, the City shall pay 100% of the engineering expenses, legal expenses, advertising and postage expenses and the costs of intersections and the installation of handicap ramps. The property owners shall pay 100% of the remaining construction costs.
(c) Corner Lots.
(1) The City shall pay one-half (½) of the cost attributed to the property owner in subsection (a) Curbs if both sides are improved at the same time.
(2) If not described in any section above, costs may be apportioned as determined by the Resolution of Necessity.
(Ord. 2016-130. Passed 12-20-16.)