The application for a permit shall be on a form approved by the Director of Public Service and shall contain the following information:
   (a)   Name and address of the utility or service provider that is requesting the permit.
   (b)   The name, address, telephone number and contact person of the entity that will perform the requested work.
    (c)   The exact location of the work to be permitted.
   (d)   The method of the work to be performed and the equipment to be used.
   (e)   The dates and times that the work will be performed.
   (f)   The manner in which traffic will be controlled or regulated while the improvement is being made.
   (g)   Plans and specifications setting forth in detail the work to be done and material to be used including, but not limited to, the location of pavement, objects above or below the public way, and the finished grade.
      (Ord. 2011-79. Passed 6-14-11.)