Ord. No. Date Description
2005-104 8-2-05 Authorizes Orwell Natural Gas permission to occupy a portion of Johnny Cake/Ridge Road to construct a public utility.
2005-105 8-2-05 Authorizes Orwell Natural Gas permission to occupy a portion of Lost Nation Road and Fox Run Drive to construct a public utility.
2005-157 10-18-05 Authorizes Orwell Natural Gas permission to occupy a portion of Erie Road from St. Clair St. to Gilson Parkway to construct a public utility.
2005-158 10-18-05 Authorizes Orwell Natural Gas permission to occupy a portion of Foothill Blvd. to construct a public utility.
2006-47 6-6-06 Authorizes Orwell Natural Gas permission to occupy a portion of Riverside Drive from Johnnycake Ridge to the Waite Hill corporation limit to construct a public utility.
2006-78 7-11-06 Authorizes Orwell Natural Gas permission to occupy Highgate Bluff Subdivision to construct a public utility.
2006-79 7-11-06 Authorizes Orwell Natural Gas permission to occupy a portion of Lost Nation Road and Hodgson Road to construct a public utility.
2010-26 3-2-10 Authorizes Orwell Natural Gas permission to occupy a portion of Jet Center Drive for the purpose of constructing a public utility.
2010-113 9-21-10 Authorizes Orwell Natural Gas permission to occupy a portion of Euclid Avenue for the purpose of constructing a public utility.
2010-131 10-19-10 Authorizes Orwell Natural gas permission to occupy a portion of Beidler Road from Reading to Euclid Avenue and a portion of Euclid Avenue from Beidler Road to SOM Center (Rt. 91) for the purpose of constructing a public utility.
2010-143 11-16-10 Authorizes Orwell Natural Gas Company permission to occupy a portion of Jet Center Place continuing 150 feet from the existing line for the purpose of constructing a public utility.
2011-9 1-18-11 Authorizes Orwell Natural Gas permission to occupy a portion of Shankland Road for the purpose of constructing a public utility.
2011-133 10-4-11 Authorizes the Mayor to grant a revocable permit to Vincent Castrataro to occupy a part of the right-of-way of Skiff Street with an existing structure.
2017-3 1-17-17 Authorizes the Mayor to grant a revocable permit to Western Reserve Real Estate Holdings LLC to occupy a portion of the Church Street right-of-way for a walkway ramp and landscaping.