(a) All hydrants shall have a six- (6) inch barrel, a four-and-one-half- (4 ½) inch with five- (5) inch Stortz adapter and and two (2) two-and-one-half- (2 ½) inch hose nozzle connections (discharges) with National Standard size and thread; and shall conform to the American Waterworks Association Standards.
(b) Spacing requirements for hydrants located on private and public property shall be as follows:
(1) At every street intersection.
(2) At the beginning of every cul-de-sac turnaround except as the Chief may approve otherwise.
(3) Within five hundred (500) feet of any one- (1), two- (2), or three- (3) family residential dwelling.
(4) Within two hundred fifty (250) feet of all fire attack access points of any building or structure regulated by the Ohio Building Code. When approved by the Chief the distance may be extended to five hundred (500) feet when the building or structure is protected throughout by an automatic fire suppression system. The hydrant travel distance extension shall not apply to institutional or high hazard occupancies, or to buildings or structures containing an area classified as institutional or high hazard.
(5) Additional hydrants may be required as are necessary to meet required flows, support building fire suppression system(s), accomplish tactical operations and/or avoid excessive hose lays as determined by the Chief. Excessive hose lays shall be defined as hose lengths longer than two hundred fifty (250) feet when being stretched from any portion of the building to the nearest fire hydrant.
(6) Hydrants shall be spaced no more than three hundred (300) feet apart without the approval of the Chief.
(7) When a fire suppression system is required and the building or structure is not protected throughout by an automatic fire suppression system, the building or structure is classified as institutional or high hazard, or the building or structure contains an area classified as institutional or high hazard, a hydrant shall be located no more than seventy-five (75) feet from the Fire Department connection.
(8) Distance referred to within this section shall be measured along actual fire apparatus routes of travel.
(c) All public and private hydrants required by these regulations shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the following:
(1) All hydrants and water mains shall be installed pursuant to the direction of the Chief, and in conformance to American Waterworks Association Standards and Lake County Utilities Department Standards.
(2) All hydrant locations shall be approved by the Chief.
(3) Hydrant discharge height, as measured from the bottom of the lowest discharge on the hydrant, shall be not less than sixteen (16) inches nor more than thirty (30) inches above the surrounding finished grade.
(4) The four-and-one-half-(4 ½) inch discharge shall face the street/drive unless otherwise determined by the Chief.
(5) Grading around hydrants shall be level and shall permit safe access and operation of the hydrant.
(6) All hydrants shall be accessible at all times for firefighting purposes and no obstructions shall be placed within ten (10) feet of any such fire hydrant.
(7) Hydrants shall be protected if subject to mechanical damage. Protection shall not interfere with the connection to, or the operation of, hydrants.
(8) Hydrants shall not be placed near retaining walls where there is danger of frost through the walls.
(9) All private hydrants shall be maintained and tested by the property owner as prescribed by the Chief. Reports of the testing shall be forwarded to the Division of Fire no later than June 30th of each year.
(d) All water mains or water lines on private property served and fitted by hydrants or other types of valves or faucets from which water may be drawn before passing through a recording meter shall be under the complete control of the Lake County Utilities Department and subject to the regulations of the Lake County Director of Utilities. They shall, however, be maintained by the private owner. No person, firm or corporation shall draw any water from any such hydrant, valve or faucet except for the purpose of fighting fires or testing of the hydrant as required by the Chief. Water, other than for firefighting or testing, may be drawn therefrom only on the order of the Director of Lake County Utilities.
(e) Wall hydrants shall not be utilized to fulfill the water supply and hydrant requirements of this section.
(f) The minimum size of private fire lines shall be eight (8) inches. The minimum size for dead-end private fire lines greater than one thousand (1000) feet shall be ten (10) inches.
(g) When potential demand for water for fire suppression exceeds water available, water mains shall be looped or supplied with water from two (2) sources if it is determined by the Chief to be necessary for fire safety.
(h) Hydrants on private property shall be within ten (10) feet of the paved or improved portion of a roadway, fire lane or driveway and no hydrant shall be located closer to a building or structure than one-and-one-half (1 ½) times the height of said building or structure, unless otherwise authorized by the Chief.
(Ord. 2005-127. Passed 9-6-05; Ord. 2017-113. Passed 11-14-17.)
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