1501.01 ADOPTION.
   Pursuant to Ohio R.C. 731.231, the following codes are hereby adopted by the City:
   (a)   The Ohio Fire Code as adopted by the Ohio Division of State Fire Marshal, Department of Commerce, effective September 1, 1995, and any revisions thereto, and as published in Division 1301:7 of the Ohio Administrative Code are incorporated as if fully rewritten.
   (b)   The International Fire Code 2003 Edition, and any revisions thereto, as amended by Divisions 1301:7-1 to 1301:7-7 of the Ohio Administrative Code and published by the International Code Council (ICC).   
   (c)   The following National Fire Codes, first editions, and any amendments thereto, as published by the National Fire Protection Association are incorporated as if fully rewritten:
      NFPA45   Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals.
NFPA55   Storage, Use, and Handling of Compressed and Liquefied Gases in Portable Cylinders.
      NFPA88A   Parking Structures
      NFPA 96   Ventilation Control and Fire Protection for Commercial Cooking Operations.
      NFPA326   Safe Entry of Underground Storage Tanks.
      NFPA410   Aircraft Maintenance.
      NFPA423   Construction and Protection of Aircraft Engine Test Facilities.
   The Ohio Fire Code, the International Fire Code, and the National Fire Codes adopted by this section, shall hereafter be referred to as the "Fire Prevention Code".
(Ord. 2005-127. Passed 9-6-05; Ord. 2017-113. Passed 11-14-17.)