The Board shall have the following duties in addition to those as otherwise specified in this chapter:
(a)    The Board shall function to improve the quality of life in this City by striving to further and achieve the spirit and purpose of this chapter;
(b)    The Board shall conduct or cause to be conducted or assist the conduct of a continuing survey of all structures, works of art, objects or areas of architectural, historic or aesthetic interest in the City which the Board, on the basis of information available or presented to it, has reason to believe are, or will be, eligible for designation as a preservation district or listed property. A property may be listed by the Board acting on its own behalf, and with the consent of the owner, under the provisions of this chapter, but no preservation district shall be established except upon the approval of Council;
(c)    The Board shall work for the continuing education of its members and residents of the City with respect to the architectural and historic heritage of the Buffalo Road Preservation District, the City, listed properties and any other preservation district designated under the provisions of this chapter, and shall make every effort to improve the overall design and environmental awareness of the people. The Board shall keep current a register of all listed properties, and all listed properties shall be given a number and a description accompanied by a photograph. The reasons for listing such property or recommending the establishment of additional preservation districts shall be set forth in writing. This register shall be made available to Council, the Building Department, the Planning Commission, the Planning and Economic Development Department, the Board of Zoning Appeals and the public;
(d)    The Board shall have authority to establish, within the interest, spirit and purpose of this chapter, criteria, rules and regulations not otherwise included in this chapter for evaluating applications for Certificates of Appropriateness as hereinafter defined, which are submitted to it, and the manner in which such Certificates shall be processed;
(e)    The Board shall determine within the interest, spirit and purpose of this chapter, what legislation, if any, would best serve to preserve, restore and develop the City, or any part of the City, and recommend such legislation to the Planning Commission and Council. Toward these ends, the Board shall work with the appropriate City officials, employees and departments, and joint meetings with such officials, employees and departments may be held for this purpose;
(f)    Members of the Board shall abstain from taking action on any matter that would present a conflict of interest. No member of the Board shall have a financial interest, direct or indirect, or by reason of ownership of stock in any corporation (except as permitted by the laws of Ohio), in any matter pending before the Board. In the event that such a conflict arises, the affected member shall abstain from discussion and voting on the issue or matter in which he has such an interest. The affected member shall not be required to resign from the Board. Any willful violation of this section shall constitute malfeasance in office, and any member of the Board found guilty thereof shall thereby forfeit his office or position.
(g)    The Board shall offer guidance or otherwise assist individuals concerned with historic preservation in their efforts to improve their property or area.
(h)    The Board may, upon its own determination, make recommendations to Council for additions or revisions to this chapter. Members of the Board shall abstain from taking action on any matter that would present a conflict of interest. See subsection (f) hereof.
(Ord. 1981-173. Passed 11-1-83; Ord. 1992-76. Passed 5-5-92; Ord. 1992-133. Passed 8-4-92.)