(a)    In cases of emergency that, in the opinion of the Building and Zoning Inspector, involve immediate danger to human life or health, the Inspector shall promptly cause any unsafe structure to be made safe or removed. For this purpose he may at once enter such structure, the land on which it stands or any abutting land or structure, with such assistance and at such cost as he deems necessary. He may order adjacent structures and premises to be vacated and protect the public by an appropriate fence or such other means as he deems necessary, and for such purpose he may close a public or private way.
   (b)    The emergency action provided for in subsection (a) hereof shall not be undertaken by the Inspector except in the most urgent of situations and he shall, prior to invoking such emergency authority, advise the Director of Public Safety and the Director of Law of his intended action.
(Bill 1976-33. Passed 5-18-76.)