(a)   Major Streets. Where a subdivision of one-family dwellings abuts a major street, the Planning Commission may require the developer to prepare sketches and estimates of a plan based on marginal access streets of such other treatment as the fronting of lots on perpendicular local streets in order to protect the residential property form the movement of heavy traffic and to eliminate driveways cutting into a major street.
   (b)   Secondary Streets. The layout shall be related to the topography and natural features. Driveway access shall be minimized to facilitate the free flow of traffic and avoid traffic hazards.
   (c)   Local Streets. The layout shall be related to the topography and natural features. The street pattern shall be indirect to prevent through traffic and yet continuous; it shall be formed of straight, moderately winding, curved, loop, angular or ell streets. Tee-intersections shall predominate ; cross-intersection, gridiron and other rigid geometrical patterns shall be avoided.
   (d)   Cul-de-sac Streets. Cul-de-sac streets shall be permitted only where parcels are isolated by surrounding allotments, where continuous streets would require excessive grading because of very irregular topography or where other types of streets would not provide sufficient discouragement of through traffic. Where approved, cul-de-sacs shall comply with the following:
(1)   The length of cul-de-sacs shall not exceed 1,200 feet nor serve more than twenty dwelling units per side of the street dwellings.
(2)   A permanent turnaround shall be provided having an outside roadway diameter of at least seventy-five feet and a street property line diameter of at least 100 feet.
(3)   If the cul-de-sac is not open in the direction of schools or playgrounds, a pedestrian-way shall be provided.
   (e)   Temporary Dead-End Streets. Where a subdivision adjoins unsubdivided land, a temporary turn-around shall be provided for each street more than 200 feet in length if lots front thereon, and provisions shall be made for future extension of the street and utilities and reversion of the excess right-of-way to the abutting properties and the same shall be so noted on the final plat.
   (f)   Streets of Nonconforming Width. Dedicated streets of less than the required width shall not be permitted except in a Conservation Overlay District where the Commission finds that such a street will be adequate to serve a small development, or finds it reasonable not to require the dedication of the full width until all abutting property is subdivided.
   (g)   Reserve Strips Adjoining Streets. Reserve strips adjoining street or other provisions to control access or extensions to pavement and/or utilities to another property shall not be permitted except where the control and disposal of land comprising such strips have been assigned to the City under conditions approved by the Commission.
    (h)   Streets for Multi-Family Developments. Dedicated streets for multi-family developments shall be planned to connect with major or secondary streets so as not to generate large volumes of traffic on local residential streets. Vehicular and pedestrian access shall be adequate and convenient to each dwelling unit, planned so that a street, access drive, parking area or delivery area will be located no more than 100 feet from every main or service entrance of a building.
   (i)   Streets for Business and Industrial Developments. Dedicated streets for business and industrial developments shall be planned to connect with major streets so as not to generate traffic on local residential streets. The Planning Commission may require the dedication and improvement of service roads along major streets.
   (j)   Curvature of Streets. Angles in the alignment of street lines shall be connected by a curve with a radius on the center line of not less than 200 feet for local streets, 300 feet for secondary streets and 500 feet for major streets. Between reverse curves there shall be a tangent at least 100 feet long on major and secondary streets and fifty feet long on local streets.
(Ord. 1197-117. Passed 9-16-97.)